At seeing the crowd of capable looking folk crowded around the notice board, Kijani frowned and went to take a look. She was a tall woman, about two inches from a full six feet, so she could see through most of the crowd once she pushed her way in a bit. The notice that held center attention was quite striking. The paper was thick and rich, and in bold ink was written [b]"REWARD!!!"[/b] A good start. [b]"Brave, brilliant fighters needed to slay the great Shifting Beast! It takes many forms and will be a challenge for even the best warriors in the land! We implore you to become a hero of the people!"[/b] The notice went on to give the location of the town in trouble. It was less than half a day's ride, to the northeast. Kijani noticed that it didn't have any detail on the actual reward, but that was usual. It would be a stupid thing to put on a public notice, the fact that there were riches and the location of said riches. It was like painting a target on your neck and walking onto a battlefield. It was the last part of it that really caught her attention. [i]Hero of the people.[/i] An intensely bold claim, but one that intruiged her more than anything else. Rewards were fleeting, any amount of gold could run out... But a name, but fame, but praise went on and on. They wrote songs about heroes, created stories, erected statues. She wanted that more than any treasure. She wanted to walk into a town with cheers surrounding her, and flowers thrown at her feet! Kijani abandoned all thoughts of getting a bedmate for tonight. She would travel at first light. Once she was famous, men would line up at her doorstep for just a kiss! With a growing excitement, she rushed back to the inn and prepared for bed. Tomorrow, she would ride toward fame!