Eris continued to watch the two Pokemon below her, feeling uneasy as she still did not know what was wrong. A large Luxray had appeared, and the two individuals seemed to be having a dispute of sorts - a common conflict between wild Pokemon was territory, which was likely despite the fact that she was too high up to tell exactly. Still, the feeling that there was something she was missing, doubled at the appearance of the Luxray, and she felt slightly paranoid. It was a slight tickling at the back of her mind, of something she felt she should know the meaning of. Were there any humans around? She turned and scanned about the dark brambles with a careful eye, still not convinced that all was normal even after not finding anything unusual. Feeling anxiety kick in, she left the scene and began to hesitantly glide away in another direction. She glanced down at the two figures warily one last time before fleeing. Surely, it was better to trust her instincts. [i]Or, I could figure this out and be done with it,[/i] The thought unfortunately did not go away, and curiosity overwhelmed her decisions. She simply just had to know, somehow. Although, finding her way back to the site would be a problem, her sense of direction growing disoriented. A white blur zig-zagged through the trees as it searched for the strange Pokemon, not having much luck as she was likely wandering farther and farther away from the last area. She halted suddenly, frozen in place as a shrill screech echoed in the distance. That wasn't something she heard everyday. A rustling underneath on the forest ground distracted her attention from the sound as a large figure ran past underneath. The familiar, peculiar presence returned to her senses. The Luxray from earlier had taken off, and was dashing through the woods, and had likely left the original area long past. Although still uneasy about it, Eris trailed above the large feline as it ran, deciding to investigate it for the rest of the night, Perhaps it was just a normal Luxray, and nothing more. The radius of cold air expanded a few feet around her, unconsciously out of fear from the earlier surprise.