[b]James MacCray[/b] The little disruption on his personal laptop made the chief strike his desk with the base of his fist. His eyebrows cringed together in complete and utter irritation. As the message faded, he looked out his window to find yet another message on all the electronic billboards. He hated the blasted technology of the era, blamed it for the slums of Providence and for everything going on outside of its walls. In addition, he blamed it for the creation of these damn androids which he and his parents were against. They were the reason jobs deteriorated in the past and would be the reason they vanish in the future. This sudden growth of emotional robots would soon start a revolution and MacCray knew it. As chief of Hark Police it was his job to prevent it, the exact reason he devoted all his time to take those blasted robots down - tear them to shreds every single one of them. But now they had a bigger threat, a terrorist that was hacking into everything in the city, little by little. Soon enough, he or she will have the power to control everything in Providence if they didn't find the person and put them down. MacCray picked up the phone on his desk to call the front, but the land-line was down. "Dammit!" he cursed out loud as he stood from his cushioned chair. "Marietta!" he called out to a junior police officer down the hall. "Yes sir?" she saluted then awaited orders. "Get me a squad ready in eta five minutes. And find out how to get all this stuff back online, we need power right now. "Yes sir" she responded, running to do what she was commanded to do. The whole station seemed to be in chaos. People were going nuts, personnel just wondering the hallways. The chief hurried and picked up a speaker - an old hand speaker from the past. "Attention everyone~" he started. "We are currently under protocol BLACK. We have no intel on what or who hacked our operating systems, but we deem it a terrorist attack. There is no time to mourn or act inappropriate. We continue to do our job, this is our civil duty under the law. If we allow this to break our routines, then this.......hacker....has won. WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT! We are the law, we write the rights and wrongs, we fix what is fixable. So I want each and every single one of you to get in your vehicles and begin your daily patrol. We let nothing get passed us today. Rode regulations may not be broken, nothing goes unnoticed is that clear? I want squadron 3 to hit our prison facilities. If this terrorist cut our lights, it is possible they cut their too. Were on high alert! But again, WE ARE THE LAW, WE DO NOT BACK DOWN! WE ARE RIGHT, THEY ARE WRONG! WE FIGHT! Let's roll out" the chief ordered, strapping on a bulletproof vest. He headed out the station and entered into a heavy duty vehicle with six other men. ------------------------------------------ [b]Dex - Strip Club - Tessa[/b] "I'm not askin for money Tyrone, I'm askin for information. You said you had it the last time we spoke, so I'm here to get it" Dex spoke, looking left and right at the two armed guards next to the strip club owner Tyrone Williams. "But I told ya playa, there's always a price" was Tyrone's response to what Dex had to say. The man sat on his single couch like a kind, his bodyguards prepared to shoot if need be. He owned all the women out there selling their bodies. He owned the property and everything in it, even some of the clients. "So.....watcha got to give?" Tyrone asked. Dex looked at the ground for a second, reeling back his frustration. "I've got a G-235 SUV Hover vehicle parked in my garage. It's worth at least fifteen grand right now. It's still in great condition, no cosmetic damage, no nuthin. You give me the info, it's yours, no more questions" Dex negotiated. Tyrone focused on the man for a second. He scratched the ridge of his nose as he thought. Then his gaze returned to Dex's. "Alright. It's a deal. But......." he paused for a second as he signaled someone to come in through the next door. A very lustful white female entered the room wearing nothing but a see through black lingerie corset. "What is this?" Dex asked Tyrone. "This is how we seal the deal here playa. That handshake stuff don't role around these parts. Were gangstas!" Tyrone laughed along with his bodyguards. "So go on homie, tear that ass up and show me you ain't no joke" Tyrone said seriously this time, signaling the girl to take Dex into the private rooms. Once in there, Dex was seated on a single chair in the small room. The lights had dimmed and the girl locked the door behind them. She started dancing for Dex, rubbing herself on him a a little. The man's teeth grinded together as his jaw felt an uneasy pressure. But as she unclothed herself, Dex couldn't help but let his eyes wonder. He tired looking away, but her dance was an attraction. The woman then jumped on his lap and the rest was history................ ---------------------------------------- Dex came out of the room first and strapped his belt back on, walking passed Tyrone and near the exit door. "Here's what you wanted playa. Make sure to bring me my new vehicle by tomorrow noon, I don't have time to wait" Tyrone laughed as he let the guards escort Dex back to the main hall. Dex walked back to the table he had left Tessa at to find the girl gone. "Fuck!" he cursed to himself as he tapped the shoulder of a man he remembered was there since they arrived. "Hey! Did you see where the girl that was sittin here went?" he asked him. The man shrugged Dex's hand off his shoulder and nodded side to side. "Hell if I know" he had said. Dex's eyes became red as he pulled the man back around and showed the gun he had on his belt line. "I suggest you think about it a little more" Dex threatened. The man's eyes widened at the sight of a gun inside a gun-less club. "Fine man, calm your shit. I think she went to the ladies room or something. Some guy went with her, thought they were......you know. Didn't know she was with you" Without responding to anything, Dex hurried to the ladies room, quickly busting through the door. "Hey lardo!" he called out to the big fat man trying to get the bathroom stall open while Tessa was clearly inside. "Who the hell are you? The brother?" the big man asked, turning to face Dex. "Is that what she told you?" Dex asked sarcastically. "No, I'm just the guy that's gonna kick your ass" he smirked. The fat man then started walking towards Dex and when he was close enough, through a punch aimed at the man's face. Dex reacted quickly by pushing the man's fist to the side and kicking in the lardo's knee. The big man grimaced in pain as he nearly fell to the ground. Dex quickly continued by grabbing the man by the back of the collar and throwing him towards the sinks, the top of his head crashing against the bathroom mirror. Dex then ended it by smashing the man's face against the sink rather forcefully, breaking lardo's nose and knocking him out for the count. For a second Dex didn't say anything, just looked at himself in the cracked mirror. He could tell he was different, but didn't want to admit it. So instead, he looked away this time, turning to the stall Tessa was in. "You can come out now......sister" he said humorlessly.