[center]Tessa Green[/center] Tessa had her feet pressed against the door praying. Then she heard Dex. She wasn't sure if she should be more worried with him in the room. [i] "No, I'm just the guy that's gonna kick your ass."[/i] Tessa's heart stopped as she listened to the sounds of Dex and the fat man fight. It didn't take long. [i]"You can come out now......sister."[/i] Tessa opened the stall door and with wide eyes surveyed the destroyed mirror. "Would you rather have me said we were dating?" She asked, her voice shaky but the sarcasm she was used to having in her voice peaked through just enough that Tessa's heart went back to it's normal beat. "We should, uh go." She wanted nothing more than to get out of that damn building and fast. For once she took the lead and quickly left the club, a few glances sent her way. Once outside the building she straightened up and looked Dex in the eye. "That better have been worth it." [center]Tom Richards[/center] Tom's hand dropped a centimeter as he watched the android girl pull the robot up against the wall. He heard Kera's footstep and he knew that Kera would give this girl no quarter. He shouldn't either. This was his job, but the android was crying. Literally crying. He didn't even know they could do that. Maybe some specialty models for people with...special tastes. No one with true feelings deserved that. Kera stepped in front of Tom. Tom, with the butt of the gun hit her in just the right spot on the back of the head. "Fu-" and she was on the ground unconscious. Tom staring at her body confused. "I just..." He trailed off, his eyes wide. He really had just attached Kera, his partner. He lowered the hand holding the gun and put his free hand on his forehead, turning his back to the android and broken robot. Tom spun back around. "Go, right now. Do not let me ever see you in the city again." His voice was higher pitched than normal. Tom then dropped to his knees and started caring for Kera.