Or maybe make an entire thread dedicated to the enemy (yes, I said enemy. :P) side? It will be more realistic in a sense and we won't know what's going on, till it actually affects us in a drastic way, less metaplay. Then when the two factions meet halfway in the timeline, we could simply have the players post copies of their posts on both sides. Makes spying, premonition, divination, intruige and politics much more feasible (and easier to plot too since you get ideas from both sides!) and actually possible in a roleplay setting. I'm just throwing this idea to OOC, it's an idea I had awhile but I totally don't mind if it is decided against. I was reminded of it when you were debating how divination would work. edIt: It might even get more players for the enemy side, without making things too hectic (too many posts IC) yet still keep this a big kitchen (aka, LOTR cast sized) .