Louisa watched the exchange between the police and Amira. She watched in deep interest as the male cop pulled out a strange looking scanner, it buzzed. She could only guess that it was some sort of 'runaway robot radar' or something. She would never admit to how cool the little scanner was, because anything in the hands of the police was not cool. She swallowed thickly, her limbs tensing from nervousness as the events intensified. From atop the orange crate she watched as the man pulled out a gun, aiming it towards the two androids. Now, Louisa wasn't sure if androids could feel pain by being shot, but it still made Louisa nervous. Louisa thought he would just shoot the two right then and there, no questions asked. So she was surprised when things did not go how she assumed. The cop actually ended up going against his own, he attacked his own partner. Many of the homeless people gasped as he struck her on the head, others tried to look busy as if a police stand off was no happening right in their "home". Louisa herself looked shocked, but at the same time she didn't want to be easily fooled. She was sure that any moment he would turn the gun on them, or the androids or even his partner. Louisa had seen it happen before, so it happening again didn't seem too far off. One of the homeless men seemed to sense her distress, and broke out of the crowd of people. It was the man with a single leg. He hobbled over towards Louisa, leaning on a makeshift wooden cane, and placed a gentle hand on Louisa's shoulder. Louisa hopped off the orange crate, walking with the man back over to the crowd of homeless people watching the scene unfold. She kept to the front of the group, wanting to watch what happened next.