His voice went unheard as the echoing footsteps of another approached them. Situated near the back, behind all of them but one, he spotted the creature between the spaces of their bodies. He looked, as if once upon a time, he could had been immensely strong. But now the fighter monkey looked to be near death. Glinting, minuscule squares of refracting light drifting from fissure-like wounds. Cayden could only imagine the army that was needed to take him down. [i]He looks truly strong,[/i] He told himself, impressed by the innate strength he sense from the being. For some reason he felt the odd need to look down at Tsunomon as Gokuwmon was speaking. He felt a odd sensation looking at the round creature tremble. As if he was restraining himself. He wondered why? Gokuwmon appeared admirable, but if he could not save the Digital World... what made him think five kids and their dwarf pets could? It was really irritating but even he had to admit the potential adventure. While the strings to his heart played a reluctant but somber tune for the disappearance of Gokuwmon, he could only wonder why. He wasn't quite sure what had happened to the ape but it didn't seem like Gokuwmon had a choice in the matter. Uncertain of the situation, Cayden leaned up against a nearby tree, leans arms folded over his chest, and Tsunomon at his feet; he was silent. “Cay,” Tsunomon called out, his boyish voice somber; saddened. “Yea?” “If you were a King, how would you save your kingdom?” The strained tone of this creature's voice brought his eye open and onto him; his face was hidden from him. He took a pause before answering. “If my kingdom was in trouble, I'd save it. But i'm not a king and I have no obligation to this world.” “... but I do,” He growled determined. “I'll save my world.”