With a good deal of strain Five pulled himself from the female android's arms, not because she was too strong but because he was critically damaged. He dragged himself towards the male policeman and the unconscious female and got up to a kneel, the exertion of his damaged servos coming off as metallic groans and sharp whines. Five reached over gently to the unconcious female and checked her vitals, monitoring beats of the heart and electrically impulses of the brain with his censors. Dragging his finger tips across her forehead he nodded slowly, he had preformed an ultrasound and there was no internal damage. Five tilted his head towards the male and looked at him, slowly zooming his camera in and out to try and focus the image. Five tapped his own metal chest, a hollow thump sounded, then he ushered his index finger to point at the five on his skull. He pointed at the male and shrugged, or atleast attempted to shrug, his shrug looked more like a slight raising of shoulders but he assumed it would be sufficient. The CPU Five was running off felt smoother and clearer, less gunked up with protocols and peramiters put in place by Brass to keep him down. Without them he felt different, he couldn't quite put his finger on it but he felt "aware" and not just aware in the sense of sensing things, he could feel what he sensed and processed it in away that was foreign to even his own coding.