[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123441/3010164-dojo2ix4.jpg[/img] (The water and everything else looks alot cleaner than the pic) In Okinawa, Japan a special dojo was established known as "Seishin Kemono." This dojo was created in order to teach it's students a special form of martial arts. The Spirit Artes, a unique form of martial arts created by legendary martial artist, Haku Suzuki. This form of martial arts uses your inner spirit animal and turns it into your own unique style of martial arts. This is the first ever group of students to be taught the Spirit Artes. Now Battle Begin!!!! (Rp start) Shinji was about a half an hour away from the new dojo, he had been walking for hours in the woods. luckily he wasn't alone as his childhood friend, Maya was also attending the school with him. "So Maya are you excited to learn the Spirit Artes?" Shinji asked "Yeah! I'm super pumped up! I can't wait!" Maya said with tons of excitement. Maya was always interested in martial arts especially if there is one that is new to her. She would work hard to master the new martial arts.