[quote=DeathstrokeSW] Heyseuss, if it makes it easier, I've been nicknamed DSW by another advanced game I did. Also, thank you. Taris was hit in the year the game is set, and I was unclear if the Mercy Corps was formed before or after the siege of Taris. Also, to be in the mercy corps, how much do you have to know about the Revanchists' cause? My Kaleesh is merely a Padawan. [/quote] Odds are, most of the jedi that joined it are pretty dedicated to the idea of the Republic and the greater good and that means having to fight for it. They probably have philosophical differences with the Masters who generally want to sit back and not interfere. Odds are. a lot of the recruiting was done with the insistence that the Republic they are supposed to uphold is being destroyed, but I would think that the news carries a lot of information on what's going on. On the other hand, other parts of the Republic manage to pretend there isn't a war on. Coruscant, for example.