Kids, right? At least out of all the things the little guy could've gotten his hands on, Paracetamol is not the worst I could think of. I swear, I'm terrified by the thought that it could be me in a few years. >.> Regardless, on the topic of the RP itself, I think a forum's limitations make themselves pretty apparent, if we have to do two separate storylines for two separate factions. That, at least in my mind complicates things a lot more than necessary. Really that only ever works in long-winded fiction like the Wheel of Time, or perhaps even better as an example - Song of Ice and Fire. I'm of the belief that trying to replicate that will most likely just get us lost in a sea of characters and I don't think we want that. Since the first character, the OP's is sided with the Resistance, obviously the rest gravitate toward that side. Mind you, we do have sleeper agents and people who aren't sworn to either faction so, here's my proposal: Think of the two factions like two different roads. Like a crucial turning point in a Role Playing Game where you have to pick between two mutually exclusive choices. Edhil Resistance branches off one way and closes off the Fatanen Rule path. Fatanen Rule branches off another way and closes off the Edhil Resistance path. Naturally, on the whole the party will be considered as sided with one, or the other, but sleeper agents, double-crossings, and people who are along for the ride for their own reasons and aren't really for one side or another are still a possibility and can still shape the outcome. Naturally, that all depends on how much freedom and impact we will have on the eventual end of this leg of the journey. At any rate I think this is much more easily manageable than each of us making two characters and controlling them separately (but I'm usually not for making more than one character in the first place, so maybe that's just me).