Is it okay if I just bring in this one? [hider=I know it's not very original, but I have a boost of confidence now!] Name: Felice Age: “17.” Appearance: [img][/img] (I'm sorry, the quality is absolute pants! I don't have a scanner anymore, so I had to use my phone!) Slightly short, but with a face that seems to have “scowl” set for its normal expression. Felice has bright amber eyes and slightly fluffy ice-blue hair, though none of it goes lower than his chin in length. He gets a bit defensive if people start talking about his eyebrows. Personality: Since arriving here, he has been oddly quiet. He doesn’t seem to be very outwardly social, but he seems to be fine in most one-on-one situations. If you get him to talk, he often seems very sarcastic and even a bit cynical. Secretly, though, he really does care about others, though he has trouble expressing it. He’s the kind of person who would do something rude unintentionally and then do something very randomly nice for someone as an apology. If ever caught in the act, though, he would likely deny it fervently. Although he would never admit to it, he really likes puns. Ability: “Ability? No, I’m just a cursed doll.” Although it wouldn’t be very obvious from a first glance, Felice is actually not even human. He has incredible flexibility and is quite agile, but sometimes is unable to feel certain sensations. This becomes dangerous when he is damaged, as it can get pretty bad before he even knows what is happening. If you ever catch him without his shirt, there is a panel in his chest that can be opened. Cabin: 11 or 13? Either sounds fine. [/hider]