[b]Crusade[/b] Crusade turned to first Kadan, and then looked at Vera. So they had hopes for the boy, that was interesting. "Do not concern yourself too much with the whelp Vera. He is no more important than the Trooper whose death you orchestrated as you boarded the ship, unless he proves himself to me. I have no use for someone who is so enthralled by the Dark Side he is naught but a blunt instrument." He said no more on the manner, watching as the freighter with the Republic fools on it jumped to hyperspace as they left the hanger of the larger vessel, drifting away from the ship towards where they too could enter hyperspace, a slightly longer route however one that would merely confirm the shuttles origin as Corellia. His old homeworld, he found it fitting that it was so instrumental in his plan. The journey of course would take several days however that was off no real matter to him. He turned to walk out of the cockpit. "I will be in my meditation chamber." He looked between Vera and Kadan. This would be a good opportunity to test Kadans true worth, equally so than what he had planned on Geonosis. "Vera. Inform Kadan of what you have been doing as Senator on our trip. You and he shall decide what is to be said to the senate." He turned back to face them from the doorway. "I look forward to hearing it at the next meeting of the senate." Pushing forward a tone that would let them both know that on this speech their careers, and thus lives, would hang and with that he left the cockpit as the vessel jumped into hyperspace.