Brace unzipped his jacket and lazily tossed it on the tattered couch before entering his bedroom. Many pieces of spare clothing, mostly his own, littered the floor instead of being properly in the small basket he had designated "Dirty Clothes." He grabbed a wearable looking long-sleeve button up, and sniffed it before deciding it smelled good enough to be masked by the scent of his cologne. He glanced at his arms. Should he unwrap the gauze? Would the bright yellow bands be too gaudy to wear? His answer to both of these questions was a resounding "Meh" but the gauze was getting kinda itchy, so he decided to unwrap his arms after putting on some cologne. He placed the bracelets under his shirt and left the house. Normally, he didn't really go to big clubs and stuff, he frequented the smaller bars. Tonight though, he had decided to treat himself nicely, and besides, the apartment building was walking distance from [i]Mystique[/i], a club with an amazingly original name, obviously. They also had this stupid drink called Dragon Baby Shot, which was probably full of marketed cr#p. Like, c'mon, everyone knows dragons don't exist. At the entrance to the club, he flashed his ID at the bouncer, and entered, deftly dodging through the mass of dancing bodies and getting himself to the other side of the club quite fast. The music was... Odd, and the lyrics were difficult to understand because of the mix of an accent on the main singer, and the amount of people conversing. But, whatever, he wasn't here to hear some great tunes, he was here to enjoy himself. He sat down at the bar, got the tender's attention and asked him for a White Russian. The bartender had to be shown Brace's ID, again, before placing the drink down in front of him. Brace pulled out his slightly worn wallet, and placed enough bills on the counter to cover the drink, and a small tip. He wasn't exactly a charity, but he liked to give. Brace lamented his inability to not look like a moron dancing before scanning who was up at the bar. Nobody that interesting, except some hot demon gal who seemed to be scanning the rainbow colored candy land of the dance floor. He looked over at it to see lotsa couples, and people already up and outing, probably for the expected reasons. Apparently, most people liked the song even though it seemed like it was pretty much impossible not to tune out absolutely everything but the song to fully appreciate it. Brace took a swig of his drink before approaching the previously mentioned demon babe. "Hey." He said, sitting next to her.