Well, it's worked for over 5 minutes. ^^ I'm reading everybody else's stuff. I'm really liking it. I'd also like to point out that one of us is playing a Sons of Anarchy character (reference image), and my mom was JUST watching that show a few minutes ago. She is obsessing over it, has been for like two weeks while she ploughs through episode after episode. Recognized the guy because he's Brad Pitt + Ryan Gosling = Jax. Strange... But good for him. XD I just had to laugh because he was JUST on the TV screen and then I start looking at other characters and there he is again. I can't escape the biker! EDIT: Side note to MrDevious, I can respect using your real name; I can't do that. Makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Using any of my three names for any of my character's. Not to mention I hate my first name in real life anyway and much prefer my middle... But good for you being able to separate the two. Also, I noticed you were the one using the SOA guy (not to be confused with Kirito, the SAO guy... ba dum tss). Anyway, neat-o *thumbs up* EDITEDIT: Aspid, now that I've finished reading the OOC, I'd like to mention I lived in the country for sixteen years up until my parents' divorce reached its boiling point. Moving into population (even if it's still just a small city/big town) was soooo nice. There are things to do, places to go, internet service that isn't crap, the college is right up the road, and I could finally join a gym with a trainer and everything without worrying about the drive making my car fall apart. Not to mention, I could secure a full-time, Union supported job that I don't hate while I trim down the fat. ^^ But! If you enjoy it out there, more power to you. I know sometimes I miss it, but only for short stints. The best part is sitting out on the porch, reeking of bug spray, watching the moon without any kind of light pollution... Wake up early and watch the sunrise - it's a whole new perspective from both the city and the country. :)