Kali was relieved to see the spider go down, a part of her was happy that she could see the status of Alakai clearly. In real life diseases could not be seen, at least in the game it allowed party members to see if one was cursed or poisoned so she could use her skills appropriately. She felt herself gain a lot of experience from that last spider, almost enough to level up again. She was catching up levels quite fast with the level of the monsters here and having Alakai tanking helped a lot as well. She watched him stumble to the side and quickly followed behind him going through the open door only to see a fireplace along with a cooking pot. She found it a little misplaced having thought the cave was unexplored, but nonetheless was happy to see resting spot. She couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at his words, he had done most of the work so it wasn’t a surprise plus he was being constantly poisoned as well. Moving over to him she got the fireplace lit up by the torch she carried. Once it was lit she set the torch on the walls where a stand was built to carry them. Returning back to him she sat down crossed legged watching him take out some food from his inventory, surprisingly it looked good and she didn’t hesitant to take it off him. “Thanks,” she replied before unwrapping it. Her lips parted and she took a large bite only to cringe at the taste. She hadn’t disliked biscuits it as that she had prepared herself for the taste of bread and ham. Swallowing the mouthful she watched him stare at the sandwich clearly displeased with what he had. “That was too close for my liking… do you think we can actually die here? I mean die without being sent to the church reviving spot?” she questioned softly hoping that wasn’t the case. She had noticed one skill on her, it was a revival skill which was a good sign but it hadn’t given her any specific details on if it was for players or monster pets. Still she wasn’t too keen on finding out in case that wasn’t the case. This place was still new to her, dream or not. “There’s probably a boss… I have two mana potions that I can activate during our fight to increase my regeneration, plus I’m almost level 14 so that should aid us a bit.” She brought up the topic of the boss, hoping they could plan for it before engaging. She took another bite out of her sandwich and shivered at the god awful taste, why couldn't they just have made it look like biscuits since it tasted like that? It was creating cognitive dissonance for her considering how she liked sandwiches a whole lot more. Shaking her head she forced herself to eat it so she wouldn't have to feel unsettle about it.