GM Tune-in. Ok, folks, due to the recent stagnation in activity I've noticed I'm adopting a new rule for collabs. From now on all collabs that are taking place within the current time-line (aka evening, morning, whatever) that prevents other players from posting, have to be completed and posted within a week's time. For this to happen, please tell us when you start working on such a collabs so we know to wait for you without moving the timeline along. [hider=The long story] There are two reasons why I think this is necessary. 1. It's really confusing when we all post within different times of the day IC time, hence why I'll try to prevent that from happening by posting the time of day on the OOC and changing them when necessary. I'll always ask you if you're ready to move on and will again, give you a week to complete your post if you think it needs to happen right at that moment. I'll ask the other players to please be patient as we're all busy with real life problems but that shouldn't compromise the story. You'll be able to find the current timeline on the OOC at any time. Depending on the need for that I might even create another thread purely for the purpose of keeping track of the timeline and reserving spots within given days. 2. We have many players with many ambitious plans and even more characters, each working towards their own goals. As such it's very hard to keep the story consistent and running without either excluding anyone or blocking them. In the past 2 weeks some people were working on collabs that need to happen within the current timeline but most of the characters are already done with the day and hence we have one part of the players extremely busy and another – extremely bored. I don't want to lose any players because of them being unhappy, either because of the status-quo or because of any stricter measures. I can't control anyone's schedule but I can mediate between players' interests. Thus, I'll ask everyone doing a collab that's to take place in the current timeline, to not make other players wait for over a week. I think there are a few ways to avoid doing that. You could start the collab early, cut it off mid-way and post the rest as a flashback, post the entire thing as a flashback, or just don't collab but post individually (that way interactions can last for longer than just a few hours in the evening and stretch out until dawn, for example.) I think there are a few solutions that would allow everyone to be happy.[/hider] For everyone who is currently collabing and wants to post the collab before we move on, please try to complete the collabs within 5 days. That's 11th of December midnight, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If you can't get it done by then, please figure out a way to postpone the part of it that you didn't manage to complete and post what you have so the rest of us can move on too.