[quote=TheEvanCat] I think you're a little over the line, too, for your "inept social skills" or whatever comment.Aaron likes to rustle jimmies. It's what he does. Doesn't mean anything. [/quote] I could also go more for the jugular and question why a county with only a couple ten-thousand individuals (PRE NUKES) can hope to achieve the strength to create an institution like a Republican government and manage to defend itself from more predatory foes from within and without. Especially at the start where theoretically the "Republic of Yakama" could be much smaller than it is now, even if it was running on Viccy 2 rules where a democratic government attracts far more immigrants than not. But then not only am I challenging the image of the RP but the deeper lore and the map and the mechanics and all of that which would demand a much larger redrafting than saying, "You know, maybe I could adopt a different name for a unit".