@Littleman All checks out, go ahead and post in the library @Milkman Everything seems to check out, just finish up that description then once your done you are free to post in the Nation Library Man, we got quite a few nations claiming to be the "latest and greatest" in technology, I wonder when push comes to shove who will really come out on top. :D ("Them be fightin words son") [quote=Pepperm1nts] Just wondering - are any of these landmasses defined by culture? Are these places comparable to real-world continents, or are we going to have Arabs next to Nordics? I'm wondering because, if I do decide to join (I'm still not sure I will), I'd like to be somewhere my people make sense. [/quote] Not particularly, I mean so far those that have been closer to warmer biomes and deserts tend to be more Arab like, but there is not specified requirement that you nation must emulate any real life counter part. In fact, this RP might as well encourage you to do the opposite. [quote=Pepperm1nts] I was thinking something reminiscent of Austria (with a super traditional and, perhaps flawed, militant monarchy/nobility at its head). Playing Austria in a few other roleplays has made me appreciate and respect Austria, so I figured I could play something similar here. [/quote] Do whatever you want man. Just be sure to read the rules and understand we're here to lay back and have some fun fantasy, crazy airship filled NRP. :D Glad to see your still with us, by the way. [quote=So Boerd] Sheet.http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2208757 [/quote] Not accepted. Figure out why. I'm tired of repeating myself..... (HINT! The answer may lie on the first page!) Also those islands waaaaay to the east of you aren't just a couple miles away, just be warned it may be hard to properly protect them. Not sayin you cant have them, just understand the challange that maintaining them may present if a rival nation took interest in them. ;)