[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Streets | After School[/b] Much like she'd expected, her answer wasn't quite satisfactory - as Alexei was quick to try and make the heart of his question clear. Rather than simply a general question, it seemed he was asking about a more specific case - perhaps he wanted to give a gift to someone but wasn't sure what they'd appreciate so he was asking for advice? A thoughtful expression crossed Kotori's face in the brief pause following Alexei before he went on, saying he was sorry for asking such things so suddenly, causing Kotori to shake her head in response. "It's no bother, really," she said before going silent for another moment, contemplating the question. What was preferred, the thought or the object of a gift? It didn't take long for Kotori to decide on the thought being what was important - but was there also a difference to be found in who gave the present? Would one feel differently about it if it came from a close friend or one's family? After a moment, she came to her conclusion as she spoke up: "I think the thought's what's most important. And if it were from someone important, I think it would probably also be that much more of a treasured thing." Her voice was quiet, even if a bit slow as she wasn't sure if that was what Alexei was trying to find out, even as the two drew near to the Shopping District.