[B]Leiko Hamada: Warakuma High- Nurse's Office[/b] Leiko watched the scene unfold before her with just a hint of amusement. Hashimoto obviously wasn't the kind to take physical contact very well, and even though the school nurse was merely drawing close to inspect his cut lip, her senior's unease and outright refusal of the other male's proximity was as plain as day. Quickly, she hid the developing smirk on her face with the back of her hand as she observed the nurse searching for an antiseptic lotion whilst the male looked on in hopeless despair. At this stage, Leiko considered suggesting that she and Hashimoto take their leave, if only to spare the boy from any further shame, but the rattling of the door that was pressed against her back immediately drew her attention. Quickly, Leiko stepped to the side so that she wouldn't obstruct the person trying to enter, and soon after, a small, dark haired girl entered the room, her skin decorated in a few purplish bruises. The girl wasn't someone Leiko recognised on sight, and as such, her eyes swivelled away from the student as she inquired the nurse about receiving some treatment in a notably strained tone. Hashimoto played the momentary distraction to his advantage as he quickly escaped the nurse's clutches, only stopping when he reached Leiko's side with a look of distress and horror at what just occurred. As he relayed the disturbing experience with a particularly dramatic flair, it was impossible to hide her own amusement at his words, her lips breaking into a smile as she stifled a small chuckle. "Oh please, Hashimoto-san. It wasn't that bad. The nurse barely touched you," she reprimanded him with a shake of her head. "Besides, I'm the President of the Drama Club. Adapting to certain roles is a...necessity," she added as an answer to his sudden question regarding her own composure. "Anyway...the important thing is that you were treated for your wound," she pointed out with a look of satisfaction as her eyes flickered to his lip. "Your face looks much better now." Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, the male nurse turned his attention to the new girl reluctantly, appearing slightly embittered that his treatment of the young boy had come to such a quick end. Still, he was a nurse first and foremost, and a hot-blooded male thereafter, and so, he looked over the female student with a look of concern and sympathy. "Alright then, sweetheart. Sit down and let me patch you up," he said soothingly, his voice smooth like caramel as he rummaged his cupboards for the tools that he would require.