Neither late nor completely on time; Hato had found himself standing off to the side. Waiting while others filed in and got themselves situated. To have to wait for such an important meeting was beyond aggravating but he suppose to those that sat at the head of clans and whole countries, time was something they had plenty of. A thing that others should be willing to give up for them. He probably shouldn't think like that but what other choice did he have when they literally walked in late for one of the most important meetings to date, probably [i]the[/i] most important of their time. He sighed openly and lightly, his slender hand reaching up to twiddle the onyx magatama jewel in his right ear to calm himself. Next to him, he heard the deep chuckle of a man; it could only be Akira. A muscular giant who he had called friend for three years now, a man who's 6'7” brawn had not been easily hidden by a violet cloak and stringy blonde hair. “A bit annoyed, leader?” Compared to Akira, he miles well of been a twig, but if one looked beyond his companion, they'd see he was tense with lean muscles himself. “Aye,” he answer casually, uncaring if his youthful voice reached the ears of the others. “You should see yourself. The picture of ease in a room full of enemies. I'm jealous O' fearless leader of ours,” Ori plugged in, her own ravenous hair styled in a wavy bangs over her forehead, and a sideways ponytail. Her golden eyes were predatory on her happiest of days. She was damn-near feral in a room of potential adversaries. “I can't wait to tell the guys back home about this.” “If everything goes as plan, I'll be right along with you,” Akira responded before dipping low to Hato's ear. “I hope you can pull this off, leader. I don't know if I'm comfortable with you sticking your neck out there like this.” Hato pull the ashen cloak down from his mouth while simultaneously keeping Shinkyo's porcelain blade from shuffling off his back. “This is our only chance of having all the leaders in one spot. I don't have much of a choice,” Answered the careless, bronze haired, youth. Though she didn't say anything, he could feel Ori's eyes fall on the side of his face. Her slender fist clenching at her side. She was feeling nervous too, what he was going to put forth could very-well cause an uproar, and in the process, with tensions already high, spark a war. He probably should ease her mind a bit. “Whats the matter Ori, don't have faith in White Wing Hato?” He asked her. “Of course I do, leader,” She reassured him hastily. “Its the others that I lack faith in.” “Aye,” He responded, nether agreeing nor disagreeing. “If not in the individual than have faith in humanity. Have faith in Tsubasa.” Akira chuckled, more like smirked to himself. “It should be easy enough with you leading us Hato. That sharingan of yours is legendary in the Water Country. Sure enough anyone would think twice about attacking us.” Hato let out a short “Hmm”. Honestly, any of them could had been stronger than him. After all, he was still young and inexperienced. Genetics, charm, and luck could only take him so far. He treated everyday as if it was his last.