Name- Sorom Lornex Age- 17 Gender- Male [hider=Appearance] [img=][/hider] [hider=Personalilty]Sorom thinks one of the most important things in life is how well you can duel. He proud of his deck and is willing to duel anyone anytime. He is tenacious to a fault and won’t take no for an answer if it’s something he has really set his sights on. While he loves to duel he dislikes the thought of forcing someone to duel and if someone says no to an offer he takes it very seriously. He has a strict sense of honor and hates to see people taken advantage of. After a duel he often asks his opponent for any tips they have.[/hider] [hider=History]Sorom grew up in a relatively upper-class family, he went to duel academy and preformed well. He was given mostly everything he wanted within reason and had an uneventful childhood other than typical school drama. His dream is to duel in the Kaiba dome and obviously like any good duel academy kid, become the best duelist in the world.[/hider] Deck Type: Swordsmen [hider=Deck WIP] Monsters x1 Armour Breaker x1 Gilfrod The Legend x1 The Immortal Bushi Spells x1 The Monarchs Storm Forth x1 Advance Zone x1 Armed Charger x1 Card Advance x1 Fairy Of The Spring x1 Grudge Of The Monarchs x1 Hidden Armoury x1 March Of The Monarchs x2 Reinforcments Of The Army x2 Release Restraint Wave x1 Return Of The Monarchs x1 The Warrior Returning Alive x2 United We Stand x1 Vylon Matter Traps x1 Escalation of the Monarchs x1 The Monarchs Erupt [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider]