[quote=chukklehed] Also I'm finding it hard to post right now, because every time I try to make sense of what's going on my brain decides to turn everybody's posts into german. [/quote] That's an interesting quirk, Chuk. Do you know German, or is it just something weird that happens for no reason. Also, if no one else does it, I'll have Zach interact. If I can get him out of his mood of self loathing and terror. Why do I like to make my character's make bad desicions. Oh yeah, it's more fun that way Edit: Something I've noticed so far is that Lance and Zach are the only ones who seem to have a positive relation with thier Mori. I find it kinda weird, yet u derstandable. My view of Mori was that of a helpful guide, so that's why I have Umbram help Zach a lot. He is the shadow of Zach's vengeance, but his role is to make sure that on he doesn't become the monster he's trying to kill.I also apologize to Art of Fun for the creative liberties I have taken with vampire bits and if they don't work for the story, could we say they're special to Crescent face(The name for the vamp until I come up with something more suitable). I would've talked to them about beforehand, except it was kinda a spur of the moment kinda thing. I tend to do that as I right, getting hit by a muse, and having to act on it lest I lose it.