[quote=Raijinslayer] Something I've noticed so far is that Lance and Zach are the only ones who seem to have a positive relation with thier Mori. I find it kinda weird, yet u derstandable. [/quote] Since Evangeline's Mori represents her own self-hatred, I thought it'd be fun to playing as both a figure of encouragement and struggle. Dee is neither good, or bad, in a sense. Even though she may seem like Eva's enemy, this is simply how Eva treated [i]herself[/i], so Dee is only acting like such. If that makes any sense. There's also more too her personality wise, but I'll let that come out in the IC.~ [quote=Raijinslayer] Thanks. Yeah, and the reason for his targeting of Evangeline is because: A)She looks and acts very vulnerable and innocent, which causes his vampiric side to rage to devour such easy and delicious looking prey, and B)His mother acted similar to Evangeline when she was in the deepest throughs of her depression when his father left her. Unlike Evangeline, she got out od it, but some of his earliest memories as a child was seeing hs mother in that state. Normally, that would, and will, make him just highly protective of Evangeline, but his vampiric side perverts that protective urge into a dark attraction. More than anything else, his vampire side wamts to drain her dry, because more than anyone else, that is who Zach wants to protect.How is that plot thread though, is it too weird? [/quote] And this isn't too weird. She's someone he can relate to on certain terms, so I think its pretty natural that he'd feel this way(The protective feelings, and comparing Eva to his mother, that is). Down the line I could see a brother - sister relationship forming between the two, of course that's only if you'd like for it to go down that path.