[quote=SwordfishKnight] Pssssst. Haru. Use big band and use his medium kick. It's all smooth sailing from there. [/quote] I [b] WAS [/b] pretty hyped to play Big Band, seeing him being played and all... Then I found out he drops my FPS whenever he appears onscreen...Worse, he just [b] LOVES [/b] appearing in a team of 3(Usually with Fukua or Squigly, sometimes both) which makes frames skip a few... [s] doesn't stop me from using him though...[/s] [quote=SwordfishKnight] Squigly is adorable and no one can tell me otherwise. [/quote] Now this, I agree with. [b]EDIT:[/b] Huzzah! I've finally posted. Not-So ACE DETECTIVE Ayano puts on her thinking cap and tries to gather clues...And hopefully, Little Miss Leiko and her have no hostility to each other whatsoever.