[b][center]Eiji Emiya[/b][/center] How they managed to survive for a whole week with all those strangers in twon Eiji didn't exactly know. Nor how nothing really seriously hadn't happened. There had only been one reported death and as far as Eiji saw it, that was pretty darn good. It wasn't easy to keep the peace with all those nations in one place, but it was doable. The Kages kept mostly to themselves and the people were generally nice. Everything seemed to go well. Today was the second round of the matches, which Eiji wasn't very interested in watching. Kuni was no longer fighting, though she was supporting her former enemy. A strange friendship had formed, one that reminded Eiji slightly of his own fight with Hiron and the sort of bound that that had created. He wondered if Hiron was around. He hadn't encountered the man, but then again he hadn't encountered a lot of people. He was sure that Aiko would be here and that here students would be fighting, but no words had gone between them yet. Something Eiji pitied. But he had other things to do. He had to keep the Chuunin Exams up and running and at the same time learn more about his new student. He didn't want to leave him alone or unattended, almost afraid he would lose him again. So many students had disappeared from his squad, he didn't want that to happen all over again. Hence why today he let Kuni run free and instead turned to the Uchiha, who he had summoned to be at the arena today. Sachi was home. Eiji didn't want her to run off again and the nanny no longer had a day off. [b]"So,"[/b] he said to Ryuu when the boy had arrived. [b]"Couple of options today. Remember you only have those options because of all the festivities around Ame this week. Next week it will all be strict training. But for now. We can watch the matches, figure out how some of the people from other countries fight. Or we can turn it into some sort of training? What do you say?"[/b]