[b]Fang[/b] "I would love to have you come with me, but how do you propose we get you across the the ocean to my Island home. I can't carry you all the way there" Fang actually knew of a way to get to the Island on foot, but she wanted to test the Luxuray morph's skills at problem solving. She wanted ti recruit the morph into her clan, as she seemed strong, fit, and also seemed respnsible enoigh to be a hunt leader, which is a position she needed filled desperately, as their.ast one had died a while ago on a trip to the mainland, leaving her with the responsibility. [b]John[/b] "Never, Axia, use Outrage'." John then made sure to back up a bit, and motioned for Magnus to,do the same. Axia, hearing her master's command, clossed eyes for a second. When they re-opened, they were glowing a dark red, as if lit by the fires of hell. She bukl-rushed forwad, taking hyper voice straight on, and jumped high into the air, here bladed head reared back ready to strike with a powerful slash. [b]Shade[/b] [b][i]The house of Umbraisis asks nothing of you, I was just flying around and was curious seeing an Abomasnow this far south from their mountain climate. Also, why do you think I know the name of someone I've never met, I can only speak to other minds, not read them. Do you need a flight somewhere as I'm sure I can help you get to where you need to be a lot faster[/i][/b]