[quote=Gnar The Missing Link] Oh, and is what Oda doing right now for Zachary okay with you Raijin? Wasn't too sure if it was the stupidest thing, friendliest thing, or the bravest thing for someone to do in this situation. >_> [/quote] A nice gesture, but if Zach had still been in vamp mode, he would most likely be missing a loot of blood right now, since Zach has very little self control at this point(read as none). But again, a nice offer that Zach will appreciate. [quote=Rinnee] ~And this isn't too weird. She's someone he can relate to on certain terms, so I think its pretty natural that he'd feel this way(The protective feelings, and comparing Eva to his mother, that is). Down the line I could see a brother - sister relationship forming between the two, of course that's only if you'd like for it to go down that path. [/quote] I would like to do that, Zach isn't to stoked about being in close proximity to Evangeline, but yeah, I like it.[quote=Rinnee] Since Evangeline's Mori represents her own self-hatred, I thought it'd be fun to playing as both a figure of encouragement and struggle. Dee is neither good, or bad, in a sense. Even though she may seem like Eva's enemy, this is simply how Eva treated , so Dee is only acting like such. If that makes any sense.There's also more too her personality wise, but I'll let that come out in the IC. [/quote] I can't wait, she's has been the most interesting of all the Mori personalities so far