CS: Name: Jett Ki Age: 38 Appearance: [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140108013545/theprojectbook/images/thumb/d/df/Sniper-artwork-1920x1080.jpg/800px-Sniper-artwork-1920x1080.jpg] [img=https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5011/5515925660_57efaa1842.jpg] Race: Demonic Cyborg Personality: Jett, is the main leader of Tesera. Heart of gold, compassionate and has a everlasting care for his comrades. Although the money helps, he would have nothing more than what he is owed. At times his more demonic side comes out but mostly during battle. Class type: Sharpshooter, katana expert Powers: Demonic Syphon (drains the life force from an enemy but cant kill them) Cybornetic eye (It tracks everything that happens and has full control over his power levels and others) Phase (Causes Jett to phase into a camouflaged state) History: Jett was friends with Orion before Tesera, they worked together in a previous merc clan that had become corrupt with power and money. So when Orion made Tesera, Jett was immediately asked to join. Jett is now the main mission handler and combatant leader. Not much is known about Jetts past, he was a mercenary for two years and lost his eye in battle so he had replace it with cybernetics, and that he ran away from a big responsibility regarding the Demon planets when he was younger. How long have you been with Tesera: Since the beginning of Tesera Weapons: MK-23 Rapid fire Sniper rifle [img=http://i43.servimg.com/u/f43/11/03/69/39/cyberd17.jpg] In order: Assurance Mournblade Lightbane [img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/224/d/4/Amatsukaze_Final_by_ImpendingEternity.jpg]