Alright, guys, I hate to do this so suddenly, but I think I'm going to call it quits. It has nothing to do with you guys (You guys were fantastic, actually), but I am really losing interest in the RP. I've been forcing myself to write the latest batch of posts, and I'm getting tired of most of my cast (I.E Everyone but Deborah, Shannon, and Jago). More importantly, I think I've been doing this for too long. Since it's start on the other site, I've been doing it for what had to be a year and I just want to move on. I know we had something good here, but if I'm not having fun, then what's the point? You can hate me all you like, I really deserve it. If someone wants to take over for me, then go ahead, it's the most I can do. But, keep an eye out for a new RP soonish (Like after new years at most) that will have a similar focus - but will be set in a brand new location. I just need a break.