[quote=MacabreFox] Fallen, yes, keep the spells that you sent me, in your CS. I only altered them so that if we encounter another mage/shade etc with that power, we would know for reference. And the spells you create become official. [/quote] I'll post up the ones from the pm then. I wasn't sure if you edited because they are either hard to read or OP, so thanks. Also, still waiting on opinions, either by GM or other Players, about this: [quote=Fallenreaper] As for intro, there only two ways I can actually see her coming in: either sitting there, watching it all and waiting for it to end or being one of the hostages with Mathias likely helping in the wings sort of speak until Angel's released. The only bad part is she isn't going to be very helpful in the later since she's not got her weapon and it is currently close range, increasing her chances of getting hurt. [/quote] A third option is to have Angel's curiosity get the better of her and wait until the group start on their way again. She stalks them, gets caught (likely thanks to the 'puppy' Sid) and then blames Mathias (owl) by saying its all his idea. :p