'ere you go [u][b]Pilots[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Reginald “Reggie” Quinlan [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] A dark-skinned youngster who stands at 6 feet sharp and is possessed of an obviously athletic build, Reggie also sports a prominent jaw and chin as well as a respectable amount of body hair for his age, including thick, bushy eyebrows. Rather than try to make it seem smoother or straighten it out, Reggie keeps his wooly black hair cut short and neat, though he retains prominent sideburns and dons what promises to grow into a solid moustache soon. Clothing-wise, Reggie prefers comfortable clothes he can fight unimpeded in and can always be seen wearing a form-fitting white tank top along with a pair of ratty military camo cargo pants and solid but lightweight black boots. Reggie tops the outfit off with a jacket to match his pants. [b]Personality:[/b] Reggie does not care. He doesn’t care about people, the fate of mankind in general or this particular situations that he finds himself in. Always quick to fire back with an uncalled for comment and never capable of withholding his opinions, he’s seemingly almost perpetually angry even when there’s no outward signs of it and relishes engaging in brawls with whoever pisses him off. [b]Battle-Style:[/b] Reggie is a close up brawler who enjoys relentlessly charging forward, no matter how many times he gets hit in the process, in order to pummel his opponents into a bloody pulp using his fists. Though he’d seem like a terrible choice for a pilot, his particular fighting style complements his Framework extremely well and he has an innate talent for hand to hand combat, giving him both a solid offense and defense despite his seemingly berserker straightforward approach to fighting. [b]Hospitalized Special One:[/b] Boxing coach Antonio Aldebrandi, the only man to ever treat Reggie right. A successful boxing coach who’d come down on hard times, he tried to secure a future for Reggie as a legitimate boxer rather than a street fighter and started training him before the stress of the invasion became too much for his body to bear. Despite needing urgent treatment, it took a considerable amount of time for him to be shipped to Earth. [b]Background:[/b] Orphaned at birth, Reggie had a rough time growing up in an overcrowded, unprepared and uncaring system, bouncing around from numerous orphanages and shelters for as long as he can recall. From the very start of his life he had to learn to fight in order to protect himself and ensure that he’d get food, water and a place to sleep, and he soon stopped feeling any kind of guilt from depriving others of the same. After all, were they in the same position they’d do the same to him. As time went by he became a notorious problem child, growing to despise everyone and everything, made even worse by his ability to beat down several children several years older than himself. His life seemed to turn around when he was seen fighting by Antonio Aldebrandi. Though the man had been a famous boxing coach once, the war had brought him nothing but misfortune. His prized fighters, his friends and his gym had all been taken away from him and he had slowly stepped away from the world of pugilism. Seeing Reggie's talent, however, rekindled his passion and he immediately decided to adopt him, the process made easy by virtue of him being the only person that had ever shown interest in the little maniac. Their relationship was rocky to start, and it took Aldebrandi some time to tame the wild beast Reggie had become. Eventually, however, Reggie came to respect the old man's strength and knowledge of fighting and then grew to love him as the only paternal figure he had ever known. The two were poised to break into the resurging pro boxing circuit, when the stresses of wartime caught up with Antonio. His condition rapidly deteriorated and he soon found himself unable to coach or train Reginald any more. Though he should've been evacuated to Earth post haste, the refugee system could barely handle the load and it took several months to get him shipped. Without the old man's guidance and desperate to provide for him during that time, Reggie turned back to his street fighting ways in order to raise money. It was here that he was scouted by the organization, who was looking for a handpicked pilot to control a particular Framework. An old prototype discarded because of its complexity and demanding nature, it had been locked away in storage until the need for powerful new warmachines forced the scientists to unearth it. Seeing Reggie beat down several agents before he was finally subdued only confirmed the “recruiter’s” belief that this boy would be the one to finally connect with the raging beast known as the Panzer Torrent. He was not wrong, and Reggie immediately agreed to pilot the machine if it’d get Aldebrandi down to Earth quicker, but only time will tell whether matching up both of these savage creatures was a mistake or not. [b]Character theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Geg6ywbYc]By the late, great Sonny Sharrock.[/url] [u][b]Frameworks[/b][/u] [b]Framework Name:[/b] Panzer Torrent [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/a/2yoYq]More or less like this.[/url] [b]Primary Weapon-Type:[/b] -Crusher Claws: Something of a misnomer, Panzer Torrent’s main weapons aren’t claws but rather the entirety of its arms. Long and thin but immensely powerful and covered in dense armor plating, the shield-like construction grafted to them serves as a spectacular battering ram, allowing the Torrent to inflict brutal damage by crushing and pummeling opponents with the pointed ends while effectively protecting itself. If that wasn’t enough, the outsides possess three extending spikes known as Heat Bunkers. Extremely dense and capable of superheating to increase the damage dealt, these spikes can be pistoned into the enemy to penetrate heavy armor with each strike. Its claw-like hands, usually retracted into the shields, are also quite strong and capable of inflicting damage to enemies by tearing them apart or stabbing into them, though they’re practically useless for any sort of fine motion and obviously aren’t as effective as actual weapons. [b]Secondary Weapon Type:[/b] -Rocket anchors: Fired from the unit’s inner shoulders (that is, close to the main body rather than the massive pauldrons) and connected to the Panzer by extremely durable composite cables, these are wire guided, rocket-powered grappling hooks with trident tips equipped with retractable spikes.They’re designed to stab deep into enemy structures and deploy their spikes, becoming incredibly hard to remove without further damaging whatever it is that was pierced. Capable of changing direction mid-flight, within reason, and tethered to the extremely solid and powerful Panzer Torrent, a hooked enemy unit has few chances of escaping and is usually dragged down to punching range, while the anchors are strong enough to drag the Panzer itself towards a structure if it can withstand its weight. The anchors’ spikes can be retracted on command, allowing for easier and far less messy retrieval. [b]Side-socket 1:[/b] -Reinforced frame: Unlike most other Frameworks, the Panzer Torrent lacks modularity or the ability to mount extra equipment. Instead, its entire frame is built in order to maximize its toughness and power. The unit has more armor than other Frameworks and is physically overwhelming, capable of overpowering most enemy units and beating them into scrap metal. This makes Reggie’s machine extremely heavy, but a top of the line close range combatant capable of holding back and pummeling enemies into submission while its allies deal damage from afar or safely engage in hit and run tactics. [b]Side-socket 2:[/b] -Boosters: As previously mentioned, the Panzer Torrent lacks modularity. Seeing that its massive weight would render it comparatively slow and thus extremely vulnerable to hit and run tactics, its developers tried to solve this issue by installing a powerful thruster array while constructing the unit, fully sacrificing any potential for different weapon loadouts. This does not make the unit agile, but it allows for impressive speed boosts in a *single* direction, letting the Panzer both charge and retreat more easily. [b]Special Ability:[/b] -Blast barrier: The Torrent’s sealed special power is its ability to coat itself with powerful forcefields, further increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities. This ability is a natural step up from the unit’s standard capabilities, rendering it even more resilient and allowing for more powerful blows by focusing the barrier on the units’ Crusher Claws. Its most powerful use, however, is projecting a large frontal barrier that turns the entire unit into a massive battering ram when combined with its boosters, letting it deal damage to enemies by merely entering the fray.