31. [b]"I would have volunteered,"[/b] Summer murmured to herself, [b]"She looked hungry..."[/b] With that said, Summer hesitantly stepped towards the door that had an intricate carving of a flame surrounded by swirls of air. Her hand stopped just above the carving as a feeling of uneasiness washed over her. She was about to room with a man, even if they were in separate rooms, they would still be in the same tower. Lost in thought, Summer didn't notice Damien as he came up behind her, that is, until his hand appeared on the door next to her's. This action caused her to jump a bit and let out a startled squeak as she retracted her hand from the door and just stared at Damien. Damien let out a chuckle as he pushed open the door and offered her his hand. [b]"Come on Summer,"[/b] he said with a smile, [b]"I promise, I don't bite... unless you're into that sort of thing."[/b] Summer just stared at him for a good while, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. The moment she spotted his smile, she decided to put a little trust in him and set her hand in his. He pushed open the door and lead her through, stopping just long enough to allow her to wave briefly to Ostel and smile a bit, just before the door swung closed. Summer turned away from the door and allowed Damien to lead her up the stairs, mildly interested in the lights that led their way. Each light was a string of floating, spherical lights that continuously changed their color, gently fading from one color to the next. No matter how dull the color was, the spiraling staircase was always brightly lit. [b]"Damien, what do you think the school is going to be like?"[/b] Summer asked softly as they neared the end of their climb. [b]"Hard to say, really,"[/b] Damien began, [b]" The school is technically in Tenebra, but looking at it, you would never have figured that. What also comes to mind are those seven doors we passed."[/b] Damien could see they were just about to cross the threshold into the living space, [b]"Going off of both of those facts, I couldn't really tell you. Hopefully it will be awesome and fun, but I guess only time . . . and ourselves will tell."[/b] He took in the scene that was before him. A room fit for nobles, just for two people. [b]"Now this is what I call living,"[/b] He said while hopping onto the couch and laying his head down on the arm rest. [b]"So what do you think the school's gonna be like Summer?"[/b] Summer sat on the other side of the couch as she studied the room, there was a large fireplace in the center of the far left wall with a love seat directly in front of it. On the adjacent wall was a bookshelf that spread the entire length and width of the wall. The large couch they were sitting on now was the main object in the room, large enough to sleep on if one wanted too, but cozy enough to be comfortable when close to someone else. [b]"I think... that it will be interesting,"[/b] she finally answered, [b]"I'm looking forward to learning and... making friends perhaps? I've never had any before... so, I think it would be a nice experience."[/b] She managed a small smile as she spoke, watching the fire dance in the pit, it's blue and red blaze dancing around in a hypnotic rhythm. [b]"Would you be my friend Damien?"[/b] [b]"Hmm, I've never been asked directly to be someone's friend, but sure, I'll be your friend."[/b] Damien saw how Summer was mesmerized by the fire and got an idea, [b]"Wanna see something cool?"[/b] Before getting an answer, he stood up and pointed his palms towards the fire. Small fist-sized balls of fire floated straight towards his hands. He then combined them, stretched the fire out into a string, and turned it into a miniature vortex. Damien then increased the temperature of the fire where the color changed from reddish-orange to different shades of blue. He let the fire sit in his hand for a while, to let both parties admire the beauty. The flame then dispersed into five smaller lights and slowly danced their way to his fingertips. He then shot the sparks back towards the fireplace to rejoin its maternal flame. [b]"What do you think?"[/b] Summer smiled as she watched his little show, [b]"That's amazing,"[/b] she murmured, [b]"I can't do much.... actually, I can't do anything with my magic. I'm not even sure I have magic..."[/b] Summer let out a soft sigh and leaned back until she was up against the back cushion of the couch, a small frown set upon her face. She couldn't recall ever showing any signs of magic when she was at the Grimward Manor, if she had then maybe they would have left her alone. [i][b]I have a lot to learn if I actually do have magic... everyone here has had the chance to progress with their Elements... I'm just sort of... here.[/b][/i] Lost in her thoughts, Summer let out a sigh and stared at the ceiling, she couldn't help the feeling of uselessness that washed over her. Here she was to learn, but what if she wasn't what she wanted? What if they threw her out because she had no magical properties like they thought. [b]"Damien... what if I'm not really the Wind Sage? I mean... I've never used magic in my life, nor have I ever had the urge to do anything when it came to the element they are saying I represent..."[/b] Summer asked, feeling panic start to build up in her chest. [b]"Summer, calm down, I'm sure you wouldn't have gotten this far if your Ancestor didn't think you were the right one,"[/b] Damien said with a hint of a smile, [b]"Plus, haven't you ever noticed strange things happening when you get worked up?"[/b] [b]"Well... there was that time before Ostel and I left Lucerna that a gust of wind knocked his brother Fredrick onto his... butt..."[/b] Summer smiled at the memory as she absent-mindedly pet Merlin, pulling loose feathers off of him every now and then. After a moment of doing that, she looked over at Ember and smiled. [b]"Come here,"[/b] she said, her voice soft and soothing, [b]"You have some Burs in your fur."[/b] Ember wagged his tail and panted happily before looking at Damien, [b]"Its alright boy, go ahead."[/b] Ember gingerly walked over to Summer and rubbed his head against her hands and legs, wanting to be petted. Summer smiled a bit and gently patted Ember's head and kissed the top of his forehead before she used gentle fingers to remove the burs. Her fingers were swift and gentle as she removed them, ensuring that she did not hurt them. When she finally finished getting the burs off of Ember, she scratched him behind his ears and smiled. [b]"There you go Ember,"[/b] Summer said with a smile, [b]"All the burs are gone... though you could use a bath... you smell of Sulfur."[/b] [b]"Really?"[/b] Damien asked when Summer said Ember could use a bath. Damien knelt down and sniffed Ember to gauge the accusation, [b]"Eh, he smells fine to me."[/b] Ember looked at Damien and continued to pant and wag its tail. [b]"But if you think he needs one, then we can give him one. Come on boy, off to the tub."[/b] Summer giggled and gave a small wave to them both, [b]"I'm going to turn in for the night, I look forward to getting to know you Damien. Good night."[/b] With that said, she gave one more smile and turned to go up the small set of stairs that led off to her room. Once there, she took a moment to look around, mostly gawking at what was occupying the space within. In the center of a room was a large, canopied, King sized bed with so many pillows in varying shades of light blue that she wasn't sure she would be able to sleep with all of them there. She put out a tentative hand out to fell the sheets and was surprised to find that the heavy blanket was made of velvet. All her sheets were a teal color while the canopy was a slightly darker shade of blue. On the far right wall sat a cherry oak dresser with the drawers open showing an over-flow of clothing, which went for the same with the closet that was right next to the dresser. On the left wall was a vanity, also made of cherry oak with gold edging. The mirror was of adequate size that allowed Summer to view herself brushing her hair if she so wished. Along the Vanity was a series of brushes and cosmetics that Summer wasn't even sure she would use most of. It was nice to have things so fine, but she liked the dress that Ostel had given her and wanted to wear it for as long as she could. [b][i]Though I guess it couldn't hurt to wear one of the night gowns,[/i][/b] she though as she pulled out a silver, floor length night gown, [b][i]It's silk... so soft.[/i][/b]. Summer quickly changed into the night gown before pushing most of the pillows off the bed and slipping between the covers, going to sleep almost instantly.