[center][u]_____________________Gods of Greece_____________________[/u][/center] --- [center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mihE76tA4co/S_ynula8G8I/AAAAAAAABB4/GyLOo_cahh8/s1600/Mythology.png[/img][/center] --- [quote=Artemis, to Lyden Everswift] The Gods have gone to war; humans followed their wake, erupting into World War III. Olympus shakes; Tartarus awakes. The world may be closing to its end. Gaia slowly rises, and a new host of gods and goddesses have begun arising, beginning, for unknown reasons, from unknown places. They have never been heard of; some are new, some have hidden in the shadows for ages, blending in with society and nature. Some are known, but most are not. Now, they are the reserves of the war. If they fight for us, we may win this war, but if they desert, if they run, if they hide, the world may come to an end, and Chaos will rise again.[/quote] YOU'RE a God. Or Goddess, if you're a [i]girl.[/i] You have varying powers; you can make up your own, or go with a minor god or goddess that is not very well-known. We're all on an island; a somewhat large one. Pretty beach, a nice, somewhat out-of-placed oak forest bordering it, and farther inland, a single mountain rose into the sky. The mountain was of one of many of Hephaestus's magma forges, worked on by various... somewhat enslaved monsters and the like. So you're on an island, interacting. What really happens is up to the players- if everyone wants to use theirs magical powers to fight off monsters, summoned, perhaps, by one of my own characters, to 'train' or just do something, then there's that. If everyone wants to go and fight in the war or something, after a bit of 'training', ie doing whatever until the island is so magically messed up that the gods/goddesses NEED to leave. Or something. Sandbox-y island/ocean/forest gods/goddesses. We'll go from there, depending on interest and DEMOCRACY [somewhat]