I just realized that I entirely neglected to add a section about the fire cultists and their volcano temple to the Ashlander description. I'll get around to doing that and maybe even giving a little information about the rulers when I have the time. [quote]Back on topic, is the section for 'The World' satisfactory? If so, I can go ahead and show you all the full OP.[/quote] While technically correct, I wouldn't refer to Cyprus as a country. Better to call it a land or a region, because 'country' carries the connotation of a unified nation when we actually have five major civilizations and presumably several other smaller political entities. Unless you were talking about just the Cypriots' kingdom, rather than the continent (for lack of a better term, despite its tiny size) as a whole? Come to think of it, it's really confusing to have Cyprus be both the name of the region as a whole as well as the main nation. Perhaps the land itself should be changed to Cyp or Cy, with the kingdom remaining as Cyprus? In any case the paragraph should probably be better clarified in light of this. It's unclear as to whether it is a three day march across the Kingdom of the Cypriots, or a three day march across the entire map. It's also unclear if 120,000 is the combined population of all five nations or just that one. [quote]A map will come eventually, but that may be after we start.[/quote] I really think we should have at least a rough outline before we begin. A crude picture drawn in five minutes on Microsoft Paint would suffice, at least until somebody found the time to make a prettier map. It's important because it helps to better visualize geography and scale better than paragraphs of text could do, and it also allows us to determine good spots for dungeons. I would even go so far as to say it promotes player interaction, as you are more likely to interact with somebody if you see that they are right next to you.