[Center] Tessa Green - Dinner[/center] Tessa ordered some ham thing that sounded good. She hadn't had ham in a long time. She took a deep drink of her own water and then looked over the pictures. "He was just out on patrol." Tessa pointed Tom's picture. "I've seen him before though. I mean he's on a special team, they patrol for rogue androids." Tessa almost hit herself for not realizing it was him that had been chasing her. Not that it would have been a good idea to let him catch her either way. [center]Tom Richards[/center] Tom stared at Five wide eyed. "Five, do me a favor. Hit me in the back of the head, like I did to her. I need a cover story." He then looked at the other Android. "My name is Tom Richards. I work for Hark in a special division to hunt you and those like you down. I can't do this anymore. Listen," he now looked between the pair of them. "Do not let them catch you guys. I'll say I was knocked out and you disappeared, that's all I can do for you." Tom then looked to Five again and nodded. ((sorry short post))