[b]Name :[/b] Phoebe Aether [b]Nickname/Alias :[/b] Empress of Light / Untouchable Empress / Demon Bane [b]Age :[/b] 18 [b]DOB :[/b] January 1st [b]Gender :[/b] Female [b]Sexuality :[/b] Heterosexual (not that she could care much) [b]Appearance :[/b] (I'll upload an image later, just give me a day to make it :D) Pale skin, white hair that stretches to her hip, and clear, sky-blue eyes. She stands at 4'9 feet, so she is quite short. Her clothes vary from day-to-day, but she always has a silver and gold ring on, placed on her left and right middle finger respectively; the silver ring has a three large cornflower-blue sapphire set around it and a Star Sapphire set at the top, while the golden ring has seven smaller glowing rubies set around it, with a slightly larger Star Ruby set at the top. Asides that, she has a gold and silver entwined chain necklace with a diamond the size of a coin wrapped at the end. When going out on missions, her attire is a white blazer with blue trims and a short white-colored pleated skirt, and wears gold rimmed glasses. [b]Other Details :[/b] Currently not associated with any guild. [b]Personality :[/b] Passionate about her interests, but mature and with much self-control. She is critical with others but much more so with herself. She has a moral compass, but most of the time is not inclined to act on it in favor of doing other things; because of this, she is slightly apathetic to pleas of help and rarely acknowledges a problem unless it involves her directly. This is because she believes that people have to learn to solve their own problems, or otherwise they will never learn. Phoebe prefers not to speak unless absolutely needed. An exception to all this is when a person is dabbling too deep into certain things, most notably demonology. Phoebe is an intellectual by nature and enjoys being able to talk with someone on her level. She is knowledgeable about many topics, but foremost in the study of magic. She is prone to losing her head in the clouds when she is thinking about a particularly interesting topic. Also, Phoebe is more interested in magic than in people, so this can cause problems with socially interacting. Less noticeable is her supreme confidence in her ability; it is not based on unfounded vanity in herself, however, because she does indeed deserve her reputation. She also has a rather greedy and selfish personality, and rarely likes to share anything - mot especially the secrets of her magic. Her social and personality problems are one of the reasons why she was passed-over for a position as a wizard saint. [b]Arsenal :[/b] The rings and necklace she keeps are tools that help her manage her magic; Sage and Light magic is so complex that even though it is possible to execute it herself, doing so would painfully increase her casting time and all but kill her concentration and will power. Her jewelry acts as a mnemonics to help ease the complexity of her magic by storing memory of its casting and releasing it into her body when needed. That asides, they also posses special qualities of their own: [center][*][i]Hemera Sphere (Silver & Sapphire Ring)[/i] - Calms the mind and gets rid of stress despite the situation. It also improves Phoebe's eyesight and when dipped in water, it creates a purifying cure-all for minor poisons. While wearing it, it manages the users subconscious to help achieve one's goal in ways that they do not notice immediately. It also stalls sleepiness and drowsiness. It also increases the users spiritual fortitude and vastly improves meditating capabilities. The Hemera sphere glows when its user is being lied to, and prevents its user from having his/her thoughts tampered with. Also allows the user to express his/herself more openly.[/*] [*][i]Thea Sphere (Gold & Ruby Ring)[/i] - Invigorates and energizes the mind slightly. The Thea sphere also controls the flow of blood in the body and can prevent it's user from bleeding, even if he or she is cut. It can purify weak toxins and grants minor immunity to its user from poisons. It promotes courage in its user, however, it does so at the price of its user getting angry or overtly excited. It strengthens the body and slows down fatigue, as well as prevent lethargy. Other minor uses involve promoting the finding of love, increasing the users libido, curing infertility and assisting in pregnancy, child formation, and child birth - not that Phoebe has a use for that.[/*] [*][i]Dues Branch (Silver-Gold/Diamond Necklace)[/i] - Accelerates thought process, actively balances the users spiritual and physical energies to optimum levels by unifying mind and body into one, and helps empower the user. It heals assists in healing wounds restoring energy. Using the Dues Branch greatly increases the users power and clears the mind to activate greater levels of being. It is immensely powerful, and effectively fools the wearer into achieving their 'ideal-self'; however, this is only a strong hypnosis on the users mind, meaning that they do not undergo any actual physical change - this could prove dangerous as it promotes overconfidence and overdoing things. Amplifies the abilities of the Thea and Hemera Sphere. The Vine of the God-Kings is its alternative title.[/*][/center] [b]Magic Type :[/b] Her Light magic is difficult to accurately categorize, but she likes to categorize it as [b]Caster[/b] type. Her Sage magic is firmly in the [b]Lost[/b] type, however, despite it being created in the present. [b]Mage Rank :[/b] A- ~ S (certain conditions are required for her magic to be at its most effective, so her rank fluctuates) [b]Magic :[/b] Phoebe posses 2 kinds of magic: True [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Light_Magic]Light Magic[/url] and Sage Magic, both are of her make. [*]True Light Magic - this magic is relatively easy to explain; it is the manipulation of Light. However, Phoebe's magic uses it in such away that she actually manipulates [i]true[/i] light, and all it entails - this means that all her Light Magic spells moves at the [i]literal speed of light[/i] making them practically unavoidable (of course, that is the speed in which her spells travels, not the speed in which she casts. Her spells may be godly fast, but Phoebe herself is not). A staple weakness of her magic is that it is immensely complex, and without her jewelry she cannot cast them nearly as well. Another weakness is that she merely manipulates [i]actual[/i] light, not generated light like most mages. This means that if she were placed in a situation where there is no light for her to manipulate, she would be unable to use her stronger abilities. It works on a simple principle that Phoebe herself constructed and applied, as seen in this excerpt from her notes:[/*] [quote][i]Eterano[/i], the source of all magical power, like all particles, carries [b]weight[/b]. This provides an unfortunate side-effect of increasing the mass of any matter (and thus, spell) it is applied to - of course, most combat mages do not consider this an unfortunate side-effect, because as a result, the more [i]Eterano[/i] applied on a spell, the more damage it does. For mages that work with [b]light[/b], however, increasing the mass of light itself effectively renders it useless, despite the new-found flexibility it is granted, as the most important abilities of light is it's speed and its ability to pass through matter. Without those, it is just a flame that cannot burn; and over-glorified fist. It is [b]completely[/b] and [b]utterly worthless[/b]. I am proud to say, however, that I have developed a way around that. It was quite simple in its theory, but finding the right runes, spells, chants and circle formations was a complex and tiring job. Thankfully I had my jewels. Anyway, what I did was basically not apply [i]Eterano[/i] on light itself, [i]but on the area around it[/i] - I do not manipulate light itself, but manipulate the [i]factors around me[/i] to achieve my desired effect. In this sense, I am the first and [i]only[/i] True Light Mage![/quote] [*] Sage Magic - This magic was born from her studies on [i]The Theory of Magic[/i]. It is a magic that is purely human in nature, however, its power rivals that of Ancient magic, thus it was classified as such. Sage Magic is the Magic of using Spells. It involves disrupting spells, recreating them, and bending it to her will; Phoebe reaches a higher state of mind where no magic is a mystery to her, and where Phoebe existence is a spell in and of itself. It is evident though that Phoebe can not freely use this magic due to it's complexity and the power involved. Several conditions must be met before she can use Sage Magic: 1.) Must be between 3-4 am or 7-8pm, which is where her magic power is at its peak. Alternatively, she can also use it at dawn (roughly 6-7 am) but only on Wednesdays. 2.) Must be outdoors, or at least someplace with the sky visible. 3.) Must have the consent of her target to use it. Target can lie about giving permission. Trickery on both sides is possible. This third rule does not apply to non-human magic (Dragon-slayer, God-slayer, Demon-slayer, etc.) 4.) Must have constant eye contact with her target spell to use. If she blinks, then her spells dissolves or stops. 5.) Cannot be used during her period (3-7 days a month) for . . . reasons that she prefers to keep to herself. 6.) Cannot be a target below B+ levels (magic power indicative) 7.) Cannot be heavily bleeding. *Sage Magic is highly effective against Demons and their magic, God-slayers and Dragon-slayers - basically any magic not of human origin. The more removed from humanity it is, the more susceptible it is to Sage Magic.[/*] [b]Spells :[/b] [*]True Light Magic: Edict of the Empress - AoE spell that allows her to manipulate light. The first spell she uses, because it's the key to activate her other light based spells. While inside the Edict, she can bend light to cause nausea, illusions and other effects by bending light in the area. The spell moves with her.[/*] [*]True Light Magic: Destitute Empire - Blocks light from entering the targets vision, effectively rendering them blind. It is possible to avoid this by jumping out of Edict of the Empress range. [/*] [*] True Light Magic: Unlimited Direction - Her main offensive spell. Basically beams of concentrated light. It's not made of magic and the spell travels at the speed of light. Phoebe can increase the output or reflect it around. [/*] [*]True Light Magic: Light Queens Canopy - Her main defensive spell. Creates endlessly rebounding fields of light to burn away attacks. She can turn this into an offensive spell by spreading the range of the Canopy. It's secondary function is to block people from seeing her. Light Queens Canopy can be overcome by throwing something with sufficient mass at it; magic that uses energy or elements without much mass will be useless (i.e fire, electricity, light, etc) [/*] [*]True Light Magic: Eye of the Sun - Refracts light to observe her opponents from a distance.[/*] [*]Sage Magic: Spell Dissection - Analyzes and breaks down the spell of her targets, and leaves out the base components so as to allow her to rearrange the spells construction.[/*] [*]Sage Magic: Spell Dressing - Adds components to a spell that was not originally there. This can either cause a spell to malfunction badly, or immensely improve it.[/*] [*]Sage Magic: Spell Degradation - Destroys the sequencing behind the spell, lowering it's effectiveness in her presence. The more she does this, the more the spell degrades, and if done repeatedly can completely void the usage of that spell. This can also be used to mess up their magic sense.[/*] [*] Sage Magic: Philosophers Hand/Mind - Takes base components from dissected spells and crafts them for her use, effectively making a bastardized version of her targets spell.[/*] [*] Sage of Light (Second Origin) Magic: Speed of Light - Her ultimate and most complex spell . . . is actually just a means of transportation. She can use this to travel over long distances at the speed of light. She can't control it enough to jump short distances, so it's useless in combat. [/*] [b]Biography :[/b] Phoebe was the child of two researcher mages. Even before she was born, there were signs that she was special; her cries could be heard from her mothers womb, to which her godfather, a pioneer mage, took as a sign. When she was born, she remained completely silent and in all honesty scared the doctors a bit. Still, she was alive. As she grew, she displayed remarkable abilities in retention and comprehension: She could talk cohesively by age 1, read whole lines of text by age 2, and compute by the age of 3. Finally, much to the awe and delight of her family, she began practicing magic at the age of 4. She absolutely reveled in the possibilities magic could bring, and took to observing other kinds of knowledge as well. Phoebe had a sense of curiosity that could never be satisfied. Because of her prodigious intelligence she was quickly urged by her parents to both study [i]and[/i] help in their magical research. Perhaps their eagerness or pride in their daughter is what caused them to do so, but it would have been much, much better had they tried stalling her magical education for just a bit longer, because such potential attract unwanted attention. Phoebe grew with knowledge and power, and eventually, reputation. It came to a culminating point when she created a revolutionary style of Light Magic, which she herself dubbed as 'the true light magic' and which henceforth became its name. All this before she turned fourteen. Soon however, that life would come to a stop. In true justice to the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat', Phoebe's own relentless pursuit of knowledge and great intelligence would bring about a terrible event. She began her research into demons, to be fair, Phoebe was never planning to actively use said magic, only curious as to what it entailed. A small peek into the abyssal darkness and she told herself she would be satisfied [i]But when one stares into the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you.[/i] Her testing of the waters gave the demons an eye towards her, her magic acting as a beacon of light that led them towards the girl, and they saw Phoebe as the perfect vessel: young, naive, and full of [i]potential[/i] so scarcely seen. They gravitated towards her subtly, without her knowing, and began influencing her actions even when not physically present. Those around her were slow to realize the change until the influence of the demons was set in too deeply. Phoebe began doing strange and often self-destructive things. She would randomly burn notes on magic, go out into town for . . . [i]unsavory[/i] actions, and causing general distress. It was around this point that those around her realized that something was wrong, and they began investigating. At first, the investigation yielded no results, however, they began noticing a trend whenever she burnt notes on magic: all of them were related to the study on demons. Her family and the other researchers she had worked with quickly realized what was going on, but it was too late. Phoebe, who was a catalyst for hundreds of demons, had allowed them to be spread out into the town. Nearly everyone was possessed. As for Phoebe herself, with the number of demons possessing her reduced considerably, only one fairly powerful demon remained inside her. Her family took painful efforts to banish it from her, but what was left was a mass of regret and horror. She couldn't believe what she'd just set loose to everyone around her, not to mention all the things she'd done while possessed. At first, her family tried to convince her to get away from the doomed town, but Phoebe was relentless. She would fix this by her own hands; if it was her mistake, her problem, then it would be her solution as well. The magic council eventually placed a wide-area seal on the town to prevent anyone from leaving, while they prepared a force to deal with the demons. While this went on, Phoebe locked herself in her study and began endlessly doing what she did best: research. She needed a way to counter and banish all the demons as fast as she could, for the members of the council had decided on complete and total annihilation of the town and everyone it it - they had decided on a Purge. Phoebe needed a magic that was powerful, but not something that needed an outside power to do; that was just like inviting the demons back in. It couldn't be God-slayer or Dragon-slayer, or even Arc of Time, because she had no idea how any of those worked, and neither did her books. They were called Lost Magic for a reason. What she needed was a completely human magic that counter the demons. A week before the Purge, she had an answer. Her desperation allowed her to remember exactly what magic was. It was the arrangement of Eterano for the explicit purpose of achieving a goal. So what would it mean to change that goal while it was in an others hands? She delved deeper into this, and gave birth to a great new magic, one that trumped even her previous accomplishment: Sage Magic. With her parents enchanted jewelry, and her abilities at its peak, she recovered her strength and gathered supplied for the break of dawn. When the forces of the Magic Council arrived, Phoebe had singlehandedly banished and defeated every single demon in the town. They found her slumped at the entrance, her entire magic reserves spent, and the people of the town recovering from demonic possession. Despite her achievements, she was still ostracized from the town, the only ones who cared for her being her parents and her fellow researchers. She was banished and forbidden to return because of what she did. Though painful for her, she agreed to the sentence. Phoebe was indeed at fault and this was the price she had to pay for her curiosity. Still, she decided that this would not hinder her love for knowledge - it was an intrinsic part of her that she could not let go. It was tempered, yes, but it would never be gone. She would wander about for three years, going through libraries and studying different local magics and customs, and carving out a reputation for herself as a powerful mage, until an old friend found her. He tried to convince her to find a place to settle down and make friends or a family. She told him she would try her best. With a smile, her friend left, and told her to head to a certain place to a certain guild that might help her do just that . . . [b]Other :[/b] Can sing pretty well, can cook almost as well as she sings, is not at all interested in having sex, and her luck is always terrible during Wednesdays. Oh, and is afraid of heights. Personal things aside, she's not quite adept at hand-to-hand combat as you would expect from a powerful mage, nor is she particularly physically fit, and her internal magic reserves are closer to B(+)-rank than the A she is stated to be.