[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/OOLyJAE.png[/img] The 101st Archorian Penal Legion A world more plascrete than dirt, Archoria serves as a bastion of defence and a proud example of the tenacity of the Emperor in even the most hellish circumstances. Every one of its citizens, unfit for duty or not, serves within the Planetary Defence Force from the ages of 14 and up, and often continue until they are drafted into one of the many Imperial Guard regiments which are treated as the Imperium's rightful tithe, in place of their scarce resources. At least, that would be what the Planetary Governor would have the Adeptus Administratum think. While on the surface, Archoria may appear to be a fortress world rivalling Cadia in terms of its citizens martial prowess, beneath the mazes of plascrete and rebar lies the seedy underbelly of the planet, a world made even darker by the brilliance of those above ground. With such a militarised system of government in place, it is no wonder why some would seek a life of greater freedom, and it is those people who slip between the cracks who populate this dense undercity. Only recently has this haven for cutthroats and smugglers become truly noticed by the local Adeptus Arbites, and in an unprecedented rapid action, they started to clean up the undercity and establish a stronger presence, pulling many of their forces from the surface to exterminate the stench and garbage under them. Firefights are common here amongst the narrow chambers and passageways of the undercity, and knife and fistfights even more so. Countless smuggling rings and cage fighters have already been broken up, and their participants rounded up. To these men and women, two choices are given: Rot in a prison cell until execution, or join the ranks of their Imperial Guard. Recruited from the scum of the world of Archoria which has been transferred onto a nearby hollowed out asteroid, the 101st is a newly formed penal legion that has already been designated for some of the harshest combat zones in their vicinity. Kept in line by a larger than average contingent of commissars and liberal application of explosive and shock collars, the indentured Archorians have little choice but to carry their weapons and soldier onwards. They are commanded by Colonel Phorae, a Vostroyan who consistently mutters about how he is in the wrong station and deserves a more prestigious position. Surrounded by murderous guardsmen and women, it is perhaps not the smartest thing to say, but his constant paranoia has already infected his men and instilled a sense of unhealthy distrust of those outside of the regiment. Designated as a regiment for the 'Meatgrinder', the Archorian's main planned theatre of war so far has been several protracted sieges which they have received barely adequate training for, but given their status, that may just be because they don't plan on having the regiment live much longer. Build: Home World: Penal Colony (2pts) Commanding officer: Bilious (2pts) Regiment Type: Siege Infantry (2pts) Training Doctrines: Hardened Fighters (2pts), Close Order Drill (2pts) Special Equipment: Combat Drugs (2pts) Stats: Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +6 Toughness, -3 Intelligence, +2 Weapon Skill Starting Skills: Intimidate, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech-Use Starting Talents: Peer(Underworld), Paranoia, Nerves of Steel, Combat Formation [I]or[/I] Double Team, Street Fighting Larcenous: Archorians are used to 'obtaining' items through...less than legal means. They add +10 to any Logistics roll for illicit items or contraband. Wounds: Archorian Penal Legions start with +1 Wounds. Standard Regimental Kit: 1 M36 Lasgun with 6 charge packs, 1 Flak Armour, 1 respirator, 4 empty sandbags, 1 entrenching tool, 2 frag grenades, 2 photon flash grenades. (15 points to spend based on what the players want to share)[/center]