[i][b]In a world where new alien species are being discovered almost weekly, where superhumans are becoming more and more of a thing, nothing could prepare the heroes of Millennium City for the radioactive mayhem of the villain called Tox once he exploded over the east end of the city. Hundreds of civilians were infected with a strange toxic mutagen born from the DNA of the villain and transformed into melted looking men and women with enhanced strength and speed however many of them are unable to see clearly. The authorities had no choice but to quarantine the area, but even with this five square block area off limits to the general public crime and injustice plagues the city. A new villain will even hold the entire city hostage! Can the rising number of heroes in Millennium City be enough to stop the murderous mind of Mister Madness? Are his multiple personalities and powers just too much for our heroes even without his henchmen goons? Will you join the fight for truth and justice, or play on the other side of the fence as an anti-hero or villain? Will you be a hero?[/b][/i] [example of 'melted people'] [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tLi4ZVMwdrE/TVLd_FS-vII/AAAAAAAAANM/r3smTiH0YSQ/s320/Melt%2BFace%2B1.jpg] [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0po0cEmBa1qzqnxxo1_r1_500.gif] This is an original universe RP using sci-fi/fantasy and comic book concepts to bring about a new world of superhumans, aliens, mystics, and intense conflicts between man and the authority in a city once honored for its heroes of old. Unlike a lot of my games this will not be team based. Rather we're all individual characters who have a knack for running into each other from time to time. Remember how 95% of Marvel Comics' heroes were based in NYC and they bumped into each other almost every other comic? Yeah it's sort of like that... Final character sheets need to be sent to me directly through PMs before being reposted in the eventual OOC. This is a casual game and I'm not putting up with multiple two or three line posts. Call it "high casual" if you want, but spelling and grammar matter here. All character sheets will need to include: Name - Alias - Powers - Weakness - Experience - Appearance - [I'll make some micros for this game as well!] Age - Brief Bio - [how you gained powers, came to Millennium City, etc...] Notes - Commitment - [how often can you post? 2 times a week, once a day if the story's progressing, Tuesdays and Thursdays, etc..?] ^^^ That last one is so I can get an idea of how much momentum the game will have and the likelihood it will die before it ever really gets going. All I really shoot for is two posts per player each week. You can go ahead and post WIP's here in the iCheck, approved final sheets will be listed below as they are accepted. Dunno what sort of hero I'll create as I've been trying to come up with something new and not just recycled or renamed. Accepted Players/Characters: Yog Sothoth - Toon Master Siti - Quicksliver Twistedgrin - Seraphim Miss24601 - Echo [pre-approved] XxFellsingxX - Penumbra ~KL~