Matthew felt his heart race as everything around him was happening in slow motion and yet in the blink of an eye. It was being in the moment and yet the moment passing them by. Matthew was snapped back into reality when Dr. Bosworth called him "Matt" at that moment he felt as though his heart would break out of his chest it was a nearly perfect moment for him until Dr. Bosworth began to raise her questions. These were questions Matthew hadn't considered because if he were honest he didn't think they would get this far. He thought that funding would run out, or the Government's involvement in a project like this would get people distrusting them again when Watergate wasn't even a decade old. Matthew replied with very shaky confidence, "We'll deal with that assuming he survives the initial burst of energy. Keep in mind dextrium is unrefined and unpredictable. Let's just see how this phase goes." As Dr. Bosworth tried to calm the creature Matthew said while never taking his eyes off the creature, "Lowering back into the lab." As the table gave a slight jerk Matthew couldn't stop staring at this new life. Not out of wonder or fascination but out of pure fear this creature felt like every night mare out of Matthew's childhood suddenly right in front of him. The internship began to feel like a nightmare, and running away from this place with or without Dr. Bosworth was what every fiber of his being was crying out for. As the table finally stopped Matthew walked over to a table and filled a syringe full of cyanide and kept it by his side at all times. He walked over behind Dr. Bosworth and said, "Dr. Bosworth it's time to release the straps." He gave her the syringe and said, "I'll get the top you get the lower section. I'll undo mine and give you the signal then you can undo yours." Matthew undid his never taking his eyes away from the creature. Then something happened the creature began to give him a smile, and Matthew smiled back. The creature's smile was somewhat crooked, but it was there. Matthew started to undo the straps he did the right hand and said, "Dr. Bosworth we might be ahhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly the creature had reached up grabbed Matthew's neck and was choking him with one hand. Matthew's entire head was a shade of red and purple that couldn't be found in a Crayola box. Then the creature just flicked his and then came the sickening sound of a snap, and the creature let Matthew fall to the floor. Matthew's lifeless body laid there as he struggled to catch a breath. Matthew looked at Sara and mouthed the words, "I love you" and with that he just stared at her.