[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/319/f/5/Voodoo_Orleans_by_machinegunangel.jpg[/img] Name: Clark Lannister Gender: Male Age: 18 Role in the Circus: Performer Magic (If Any): Practices in Voodoo magic and curses and is studying other types of magic to entertain and curse others. Reason for Joining Cirque de Noir: Joined to as a wandering magician and being taken in by Miss Sombre because of his voodoo practices and because he was homeless at the time. Past Life: Clark was born into the circus form a fortune teller mother who also practised voodoo magic and a father that was lion tamer.When he was a young boy he was fascinated by voodoo and magic and was taught by his mother at the age of 9 but his father did not want him too and wanted him to be a lawyer.He became a fortune teller like his mother then learned voodoo magic form his grandmother who was a priestess.At age 16 he escaped his parents being a homeless wander going form place to place.He is a strange person usually speaking in riddles and talking in which people could not understand him.He loves walking around the area talking to the children which he quite nice too. (Are you guys still accepting people?)