[b]Later...[/b] Once the argument was settled over what to do and how to get the fortress, the preparations began; Dakgu wasn't in love with the idea of taking a fortification they could bypass, but the reasoning made sense – this was a hell of a position for the Company to operate from and it was lightly held and not yet complete, which made it a weak position for the enemy that they could overwhelm quickly. Dakgu knew something of humans as well – there would be workers building the castle here, and they would be paid. That meant that there were valuables in the place to be had, plunder. More than that, it was a forward base to operate from. But those considerations were for later. Right now, it was a matter of making the approach on the fort and taking the gatehouse so that the main force could pass through. Dakgu had his bow and had a good position, and he could see, from a distance, the humans as they walked their walls. He used a hand signal to indicate, to Gnarl and Hrok, where to put their shots and then, embraced by the darkness and silence, he nocked an arrow and drew back on the massive orcish warbow -- the gate commander was right there, in full plate armor, which demanded a bodkin in order to penetrate. The bounty hunter knew that once they let fly, the rest of the Chosen would make their favored attacks, be it the direct or indirect approach. With wargs nearby, Dakgu and the other two archers would be able to quickly shift position to support them, or, eventually, make a run on the walls themselves if it were necessary. A momentary tracking of the gate commander and a breath taken in and held, and then release of the arrow, streaking for the bunny. It plunged into the gorget, leaving the human crumpled, gurgling for air.