I made a religion too. It's centered around a central untouchable existence surrounded by a thousand minor deities concerning a thousand facets of existence. Most of which may be portrayed by horses and monkeys. But then one day the horse gods got an itch for some prime monkey D and went down to Earth and banged the Monkey God's children before going back to their heaven. And then this happened. [img]https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/5/6/619508__safe_princess+celestia_monochrome_offspring_satyr_artist-colon-nobody_dark+souls_dawn_solaire.png[/img] But they're not a part of the monkey world and are somewhere else. We will reach enlightenment when we penetrate the skies and go to this world the spirits went to. I also made a religion where two godly sisters banged and made the world.