I may be trying to do too much. But I have this idea. I want to act on it. Try at least. You know? So it starts off sometime around 2023. In both the Marvel and DC universes portals begin to open randomly in various locations. These portals send various people back and forth between each universe. Thus, canon characters such as Deadpool may end up in the DC universe or the Flash ends up in the Marvel universe. This begins to happen more and more often. Because of this supernatural phenomena the worlds smartest in both universes began to study and analyze these portals. The strange thing was neither world was suffering any true adverse effects other than meeting knew heroes and villains to battle. Some began relationships, both good and bad, with others. Over this time, those working on the portal plans finally found ways to plan for, track and finally control them. With this new interdimensional relationships began. Using the machines created for portal control heroes, and certain parties could travel, communicate, negotiate. Of course not everyone who gained access to this tech was good, but it worked out more or less. The Earth had entered a good time for both heroes and people alike. That is until 2051. There was a battle raging between the Justice League and Darkseid simultaneous as the Avengers were locked in combat with Thanos. The heroes were slowly gaining an edge on their foes and the two decided it was time to leave. Thus, they attempted to escape through portals of their own. However, upon this attempt each were attacked in an effort to capture them before they could leave. This caused a rift. Darkseid and Thanos fused (Think MK vs. DC on this one). With their combined strength and intelligence couples with the powers of infinity the two grew stronger than ever before. Using their power they slammed the two universes together opting to control one all powerful universe then two separate ones. Because of this merger, various effects came out. fusions of heroes and villains (not all. Just some who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.) People who'd never met came to be in the same place. cities and towns merged in some areas. In other's duplicates formed. The world seemed to expand. Everything scientists knew seemed to be rewriting itself and when the collision finally calm to a halt what was left was a world unlike any other before. Those who tried to oppose DarkThanos (its all I got) couple barely hold their own against the ruler who simply lounged around having no need to really fight back. He became a sort of pseudo god. However, he did not watch over all. He simply waits for someone to try and bring his reign to an end. The world has remained like this for 7 years. ------------------------------------------ So basically it's kind of like an amalgamverse only not every person is fused. I would rather not play canons, but if someone wantes to control a canon, or fusion characters I won't straight up say no. We can talk about it. I'd rather we play characters who are essentially the children of canons, or straight up OCs. Marvel x Marvel characters, DC x DC characters or even Marvel x DC characters. Before you ask you don't need to be a kid or a tennagers. I've set the time frame so you can play an adult, but the oldest really possibly with the given time frame for a DC x Marvel kid is 35. Because of this I'd like the age to cap at 35. I think that works fairly well. This gives a diversity in age that I hope everyone can live with. Okay? So um... Any takers?