Thovren did not take a drink. Never drank before or during a job, He also didn't want to have to remove his mask and reveal his face to the assembled people or expose it to the light. That and street/ common grade alcohol was notoriously rough unless you were willing to pay very well. A hang-over to his frailer constitution could be crippling. To the business at hand he eyed each of the people around the table as they were introduced rather dramatically by their host. He tried to take each name to memory, realizing like himself they probably did not give their real names. "I know of Koch-Huang industries. They make good robotics and drone chassis designs. Expensive ones. Their designs are supposed to be fairly complex to figure out and look at. Most people couldn't tell if they were looking at a digital toaster or an explosive." he admitted with a shrug. He would be able to tell the difference quite easily. But then again he knew what he was supposed to be looking at. But from what he heard the designs were worth the price. Far to expensive for his blood. Even the street models and parts that were slightly used fetched a decent price. He raised an eyebrow at the mages words. More interested in a megacorp than credsticks? Could he not buy information about this corperation with the credsticks? If he was willing to give up his share to the rest of the group in exchange for a few words than he was more than welcome. And it was safe to say nearly every megacorp in the world had under the table dealings with every other megacorp at least once. He shook the thought from his mind for now. He longed to be back amongst his machines, tinkering away in his dimly (or reasonably lit, as he puts it) workshop. But 'needs must' as they say. “I can only assume you are mentioning Koch-Huang because either they are helping us in some way. Or shooting at us by the end of the week.”