"It shall be done, Lord Crusade," Kadan replied, grasping the Jedi lightsaber he was handed by Crusade, glancing at it for a moment before speaking once more. "I shall keep my eyes on them as they move, then when the time is correct I shall strike them down in clear day with the weapon of their 'protectors'. The Jedi will be unprepared for the coming storm." He added, as he finished speaking, his voice confident and brimming with readiness. Then he bowed his head towards Crusade, before exiting the room, giving Naraal and Vera quick looks that could be taken as ones of either good luck or a warning not to fail. The door shut automatically behind him as he moved away the bridge, entering a small room behind a door on the side wall. It was a simple one with a bed and a container in the front. He wasn't going to sleep, instead he opened the container, removing clothing from it, brown robes, those of a Jedi knight. As he put the robes on, the imagery of it begin to bring back some deeply contained memories. Then he looked at his newly acquired lightsaber, igniting it, the deep blue blade emerging. It was the exact same color as his first lightsaber, the one he first built when he was a Jedi. This combined with the strange feeling of putting on the robes of a Jedi caused flashes of his past to blast through his mind. Beginning with one of his training as a Jedi, then of his former master, then finally him standing among the corpses of many dead Trandoshans, their bodies twisted and contorted, lightsaber cut marks on many of them. The memories did not conjure up feelings of regret nor sadness, but rather anger. Anger in himself that he had not properly burned such visions out of his mind. A rare flair of severe emotion came out of the Sith as he rose his free hand towards the wall, unleashing a subconscious bolt of lightning, the lightning slamming into the hard wall of the ship, not enough to rip it open as it was several layers of hard metal, but enough to create a scalding black mark where the bolt landed. He blinked in surprise, then clipped the Jedi lightsaber to his belt, then his actual weapon, his red bladed blade into a large pocket on his pant leg, where he could pull it out in a worst case scenario, which would not happen. Finally, he placed his Sith robes on the bed, then exited the room, sealing it behind him. Then he moved to where the prisoners were being kept, ready to release them once the ship landed and begin the mission.