[Hider=Ralen Alakar] [img=http://dxthpu4318olx.cloudfront.net/assets/images/images/000/172/891/large/8dd6b6f96202e579ceb011ff7f2cffadaec6e74c.jpg?1410446684] Her clothes are threaded with ether and she has ether tattoos all along her body (If you've seen/played Dragon Age 2 they are much like Fenris [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Fenris]Magical Fisting Elf XD[/url]) Name: Ralen Alakar Age: 25 Race: Rhelom, from the planet Rhelomis. A large jungle planet with a liquid the Rhelom call Ether, a neon bluish liquid that they think is the essence of their maker that is in almost everything. They are humanoid, though from the countless generations on the planet the ether has changed their skin to a light blue and nearly all of them have a deep blue eye color. Personality: Due to her training Ralen doesn't often say much. She prefers to listen and add her opinion when needed. Her calm demeanor during crisis times brings a comforting moral support to others of her team. Some say she would be a good leader but she refuses any position which gives her that. She has an unwavering loyalty to Tesera, her comrades and friends. Class type: Spy/mage. Powers: Ralen is one of the lucky or blessed few to have gained abilities or powers from the ether. The are deemed protectors of their race. The ether is intertwined with her DNA and thus can never run out. though if used to much can fatigue her. It takes about a day for her to re-energize unless she ingests more ether. Chameleon Affect: She can basically change herself and anything that is imbued with ether to match her surroundings providing an almost perfect camouflage. This power is a basic one that nearly all of the blessed have. Ether Flames: A summoning of flames to the user's finger tips. The flames are a deep blue color and can melt most things. This power is extremely energy taxing and best used when with a conduit made with the ether. Ralen uses this with her sword. (explained in weapons). Ether Crystal: The ability to use the ether in her system to harden parts of her body into a crystal like armor. She can only focus this on one part of her body and it's usually her left hand. History: Ralen found out she was one of the blessed at a young age, when a temper tantrum that young children have resulted in half a village being burnt to the ground and the 6 year old in a deep coma. While in a coma she was turned over to a group known as The Elite, basically where all the blessed go. They kept her alive and kept a constant dose of ether running through her system intravenously. When Ralen awoke from her coma she was set into a rigorous program to teach her to fight and how to use her powers. 10 years she trained, earning her tattoos and her sword. When she turned 18 she was charged with protecting a prominent member of her races parliament. This did not go well for her in the end. A civil war broke out between he people and after 4 years of protecting her charge he was murdered by another of the blessed. The Elite deemed her unworthy of doing her duty and exiled her. After boarding a ship off the planet she soon heard about Tesera and applied. Weapons: Serensa ~ The sword pictured above. It is made from a rare crystal found deep underground on Rhelomis. There are veins of ether running through it that Ralen uses as a conduit for her flame power. Creating a flaming sword that can cut through most metals like butter. The hilt also holds a compartment for 3 small vials of ether. Besides her sword she carries a arsenal of small knives hidden on her body and basic military laser pistol for the times she needs it. Time with Tesera: 3 years. [/hider] ((Alright I believe this is done, let me know if I need to change anything))