Annie pulled her sleeves a little farther down her arms, protecting herself against the chill that was floating through the air. It was the beginning of November, and her parents had just decided to moved from the other side of town. Downsizing, they said, what with Annie's tuition bills being so outrageous and whatnot. She didn't ever bother to mention - when they brought up their current "financial strain" - that she had worked two jobs in high school and still lived at home so that she could pay for community college. Never mind that her parents paying a whole third of the bill. She wrapped her arms around her knees and looked toward the moving truck, not quite ready to unpack her room just yet or pick up the physicsbook laying beside her. there was only about a month left in the semester, and finals were coming up, much to Annie's chagrin. The move just added extra stress to her life, and she just wanted to sit on the front stoop and take a couple of deep breaths. The movers were unloading the last of the boxes - completely disregarding the big FRAGILE written in Sharpie on the side f the boxes - and she couldn't help but smile as her father almost popped a vein yelling at them. Movement from her left drew her attention, and she turned her head to see a man - her neighbor - leaving his house. He was dressed well, in a nice, tailored suit, and his hair was cut attractively. He looked to be in his early to mid-thirties, but his demeanor seemed younger and laid-back. Not to mention that he was extremely handsome. Annie's eyes met his, andshe blushed, embarrassed, and looked away, unable to hide a smile. She grabbed her textbook from beside her and opened it on her lap, pretending to study. [i]Well, this will be interesting,[/i] she thought.