[quote=Divine Darkness] It does, thank you.My work schedule can change on a dime which I can obviously effect my posting. With this not starting out as a team oriented RP I could worry a lil' less about holding up the game when I'm unable to post. [/quote] Yeah not worries :3 [quote=Argetlam350] The symbiote character was an experiment of the Osbourne Industries. A test subject in an attempt to meld all the known symbiotes into one from samples taken from each. They succeeded in combining them but failed to ever find a suitable host. Unfortunately events happened that caused the symbiote to escape and find it's own idea of a suitable host. The symbiote is a bit unstable to say the least. Like all other symbiotes it has all the abilties of those (you know super strength, hates fire are high pitch sounds etc) but being made from all other symbiotes that have existed (Venom, Carnage, AntiVenom, Scorn, Hybrid, Toxin, etc) it has a split personality persona and speaks in several voices so it goes by the name Legion, for while trapped in it's box prison in Osbourne Industries it remembered one person who had been a bit of a religious nut (yeah kind of ironic that he would be working for a large corporation like Osbourne Industries) who carried a book around and a passage the man read once -"My name is Legion. for we are many."That is basically the main idea for the symbiote character I wish to do. It would follow the same rules as any other symbiote character that has appeared in Marvel, maybe be slightly stronger then Venom or Carnage but perhaps not as strong as Toxin. [/quote] So he's kind of something like [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/Hybrid_%28Symbiote%29_%28Earth-616%29]Hybrid[/url]? I'm all for it.So long as it's done right. And he will need a host you know. Because essentially a symbiote cannot survive without a host. Unless you say he was created to live without a host? Idk about that part. Or is the host the religious dude? o_o Also I suggest not including Anit-Venom in the formula. His existence is one that battles the existence of the symbiotes and even hurts/weakens a Spider-Man who's powers are derived from radioactive properties. [quote=Masaki Haruna] You know me too well.I'll be making a Flash character if that is cool with ya, of course I am well aware what the Flash can do, I've had read the comics. So none of the time travel or hax will be implemented. [/quote] Why not? lol no seriously... I'll trust you. But I feel the need to say I may be extra hard on anyone who chooses to use Flash or Spider-man based heroes as they are my favorite heroes and stuff XD So be prepared :3 Another thing I feel I should say. I don't mind someone being exceptionally powerful. Seriously I don't care if you want to be slightly OP, just do it right. We're soloers and even if we fight it won't be much of a problem because when we inevitably need to band together to beat Dark Thanos it'll be necessary. Be strong, but do not leave out the possibility for growth.